I am running my own public-pool instance on my Umbrel node (https://apps.umbrel.com/app/public-pool) mining using a Bitaxe device. For sport. Not for profit.

As I can access my node via VPN (https://apps.umbrel.com/app/tailscale), I'd like to access the mining info (hash rate, best difficulty) remotely, via curl. I thought I could curl the public-pool backend or parse the html page to get the data, but when try to curl (or wget) the URL, I get the Umbrel password page.

Does anyone have a better idea or an alternative for public-pool?

1 Answer 1


Have you given up on accessing Public Pool via Umbrel?

I've just connected to PP on a similar setup as yours:

  1. Full Node on Tor-enabled Umbrel via dedicated RP5
  2. Bitaxe Supra


  1. Open Tor browser --> Connect.
  2. Enter Node's Tor link
  3. Establish connection to Umbrel


  1. Umbrel Login --> enter PW
  2. Open Bitcoin Core (select "load normally")
  3. Open Public-Pool (select "load normally")
  4. Re-enter Umbrel login PW

If all goes well, should be taken to your node's public pool dashboard.

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