I know that this repo of kyuupichan is not supporting Bitcoin anymore So I cloned this repo of spesmilo instead

However when I run the electrumx_server, I get the following error: electrumx.lib.coins.CoinError: unknown coin Bitcoin and network regtest combination

Environment Variables:

export DB_DIRECTORY="/home/omarosman23/.electrumx/db"
export NET="regtest"
export COIN="Bitcoin"
export DAEMON_URL="http://rpcuser:[email protected]:18443"
export SSL_CERTFILE="/home/omarosman23/.electrumx/server.crt"
export SSL_KEYFILE="/home/omarosman23/.electrumx/server.key"
export DB_ENGINE="leveldb"
export CACHE_MB=500
export SERVICES=tcp://:50001,ssl://:50002,wss://:50004,rpc:/

Any insights would be much appreciated!


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