Reading this question and looking in the bitcointalk forums at the related discussion, there seems to be some kind of miner vote being done on whether a change will be implemented in the bitcoin protocol.
It seems to discuss the adding of a function which could allow clients to have restrictions on receiving coins. (Is this it? If so, it would answer Q1. below)
The following things were beyond my understanding though, or difficult to find:
- An explanation in laymens terms of what the potential change achieved
- Why the change is desirable
- When the voting is taking place
- What the vote is actually for (is it just yes/no, or are there more options?)
Note that this question addresses the question of which mining pools are voting yay or nay, though it doesn't seem to have an answer yet.
If this is done as part of the work of the developers, I found it a bit strange that nothing seemed to be mentioned on the site about it (I checked the news and the FAQ). I suppose that it is more of a miner issue though...