I am looking for a statistic of the usage of multi-sig addresses over time. More concrete: what is the percentage of Bitcoins stored in a multi-sig address over time.

1 Answer 1


I calculated it here summarized per month:

  month       btc      count
  201201   0.010000      1 
  201202   1.150000      5 
  201203   0.015000      2 

  201209   0.010000      1 

  201212 137.737103     46 
  201301   9.781411      9 
  201302   0.100000      2 
  201303 527.570925    724 
  201304 385.334698   1137 
  201305 300.712263    991 
  201306  20.247942     78 
  201307   6.251700     13 
  201308   0.934915      2 
  201309   0.499281     10 
  201310   0.233557     45 
  201311   0.903894    352 
  201312   0.184625    796 
  201401   0.187421   1237 
  201402   0.546214   4086 
  201403   0.573631   4314 
  201404   1.406338  12761 
  201405   1.019459   9331 
  201406  13.324859  11959 

I counted all multisig output transactions with valid public keys.

  • Interesting numbers. Any idea why there is such a huge peak around 201304. And it's also strange that in 201404 there a very much transactions, but no real volume. I assume the non-existent months have 0 btc/counts?
    – Mathias711
    Commented Jul 9, 2014 at 20:56
  • thanks for this numbers. Can you tell me how you calculated them and can you calculate this number: "What percentage of Bitcoins stored in a multi sign address?" From the numbers you came up with it looks like it is way less then 3k Bitcoins in total. That is a extremely small number compared to about 11kk Bitcoins in existence.
    – user599464
    Commented Jul 9, 2014 at 21:39
  • very small indeed, percentagewise that would be close to zero. Commented Jul 9, 2014 at 23:03

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