I have come across the API from cryptocompare.com which fetches data from various exchanges.

I do not understand the some values returned from the API call



  1. Difference between LASTVOLUME and LASTVOLUMETO

  2. Difference between VOLUME24HOUR and VOLUME24HOURTO

  3. Difference between TOTALVOLUME24H and TOTALVOLUME24HTO

        "RAW": {
    "BTC": {
        "INR": {
            "TYPE": "2",
            "MARKET": "Unocoin",
            "FROMSYMBOL": "BTC",
            "TOSYMBOL": "INR",
            "FLAGS": "2",
            "PRICE": 847591,
            "LASTUPDATE": 1512451304,
            "LASTVOLUME": 0.00139926,
            "LASTVOLUMETO": 1186.00018266,
            "LASTTRADEID": "478501",
            "VOLUME24HOUR": 75.19298754,
            "VOLUME24HOURTO": 61956574.46784429,
            "OPEN24HOUR": 837298,
            "HIGH24HOUR": 860506,
            "LOW24HOUR": 491500,
            "CHANGE24HOUR": 10293,
            "CHANGEPCT24HOUR": 1.2293114279503832,
            "CHANGEDAY": 0,
            "CHANGEPCTDAY": 0,
            "SUPPLY": 16720800,
            "MKTCAP": 14172399592800,
            "TOTALVOLUME24H": 319738.400426581,
            "TOTALVOLUME24HTO": 271005614230.93204
        "DISPLAY": {
    "BTC": {
        "INR": {
            "FROMSYMBOL": "Ƀ",
            "TOSYMBOL": "₹",
            "MARKET": "Unocoin",
            "PRICE": "₹ 847,591.0",
            "LASTUPDATE": "Just now",
            "LASTVOLUME": "Ƀ 0.001399",
            "LASTVOLUMETO": "₹ 1,186.00",
            "LASTTRADEID": "478501",
            "VOLUME24HOUR": "Ƀ 75.19",
            "VOLUME24HOURTO": "₹ 61,956,574.5",
            "OPEN24HOUR": "₹ 837,298.0",
            "HIGH24HOUR": "₹ 860,506.0",
            "LOW24HOUR": "₹ 491,500.0",
            "CHANGE24HOUR": "₹ 10,293",
            "CHANGEPCT24HOUR": "1.23",
            "CHANGEDAY": "₹ 0",
            "CHANGEPCTDAY": "0",
            "SUPPLY": "Ƀ 16,720,800.0",
            "MKTCAP": "₹ 14,172.40 B",
            "TOTALVOLUME24H": "Ƀ 319.74 K",
            "TOTALVOLUME24HTO": "₹ 271.01 B"

1 Answer 1


VOLUME...TO shows the volume made in INR, and without TO shows volume made in bitcoins.

As one bitcoin is around 750 000 INR, a volume made of 75 bitcoins in last 24 hours is equivalent to volume made of 61956574 in INR currency.

  • 1
    what is CHANGEPCT24HOUR and CHANGEPCTDAY? Commented Mar 9, 2018 at 11:34
  • also wondering what CHANGEPCT24HOUR. seems inconsistent across currencies for example for 1337 crypto I have CHANGEPCT24HOUR = 15.00 EUR and CHANGEPCT24HOUR = -50.00 GBP? those currencies arent that different in value? Commented Jun 3, 2018 at 12:36
  • im thinking this isn't the amount the value of the coin fluctuated in 24 hours? otherwise the api is returning incorrect data Commented Jun 3, 2018 at 12:39

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