Consider the following scenario:
An individual, the "buyer" buys something online from someone else, the "seller". The buyer cannot verify the identity of the seller.
The seller wants money upfront before shipping and communicates bank account details to the buyer. The buyer trusts the seller because he assumes the seller can be identified using via the banking details if the seller should attempt to defraud the buyer.
However, the bank account is not a personal account in the seller's names. It's a service that will convert all incomming funds into bitcoin and sent them to a bitcoin address under the control of the seller.
The seller runs away with the money (bitcoin) and never ships the goods. The buyer attempts to track the seller using the banking transaction and finds out about the service used. The service operator discloses the bitcoin address (e.g. when law enforcement gets involved), but cannot provide any further information about the seller.
Is is possible to track down the seller using publicly available information from the blockchain?