Attempting a payment through a predefined route using:
lncli -network=testnet queryroutes 02e34c1b4c5f8e7419cf4d10e3bc9651d46dc1af68df6a7b81a24951a9192aa9c4 25000 | lncli -network=testnet sendtoroute -pay_hash=45b9255c8648c6c1f60e394e555f745af31ed7fab385d0cf9e82b62ce8e8dfba -
Always give me back:
"payment_error": "FinalExpiryTooSoon",
"payment_preimage": "",
"payment_route": null
Regardless the expiry I set in the addinvoice command. Can someone clarify Why? Moreover, how is it possible to use the sendtoroute command using the routes.json obtained before from the queryroutes command?