Linked Questions

0 votes
1 answer

Is bitcoin deflation a bad thing? [duplicate]

I have read that bitcoins are relatively immune to inflation and will actually deflate in value: Once 21 million coins exist, they become deflationary since no new coins are issued and, as ...
Aaron Klap's user avatar
219 votes
21 answers

What is a good way to concisely explain Bitcoin?

Often I'm asked to explain Bitcoin to someone and occasionally I come up with something stellar that really nails it, but most times it's a rambling incoherent mess. What I would like to see is a ...
Gary's user avatar
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94 votes
15 answers

Does hoarding really hurt Bitcoin?

Some people believe that hoarding hurts the Bitcoin economy. But are they really right? As long as corresponding goods vendors and services will be here to stay and reinforce people's faith in Bitcoin,...
herzmeister's user avatar
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67 votes
9 answers

Where do bitcoins come from and what gives them their value?

Where do bitcoins come from? From the video it appears they are just being produced by "miners" and sold to people. So who backs Bitcoin or gives it its value?
eMansipater's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Will the energy cost and deflationary nature of Bitcoins doom the currency to obscurity?

I couldn't find enough questions that ask this head-on1, so consider that if: Bitcoins are designed to reflect the deflationary characteristics of a specie currency; and The distributed nature of ...
LateralFractal's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why Reward Size 50 (21 Million Coins)?

I have already read the following answer which is not really meaningful: 21 Million Calculation Here's a mathematical explanation: Calculate the number of blocks per 4 year cycle: 6 blocks per ...
user2976703's user avatar
-2 votes
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How much will one bitcoin cost when the 21 millionth bitcoin (the last one) is mined? [closed]

How much will one bitcoin cost when the 21 millionth bitcoin (the last one) is mined? All I know is that the price is supposed to only get higher the fewer coins there are to be mined.
3eyedRaven's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Is the cryptocurrency Bitcoin a good idea? [closed] As someone who studied Economics before Computer Science, to me this answer raises some very valid points. ...
siamii's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Could bitcoin's limited supply prevent it from becoming a worldwide currency

I've recently read about the Great Depression period of the USA and made a striking relevance with Bitcoin. In short, the Great Depression was caused by a drastic decrease in the circulating money (...
Georgi Popov's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

If bitcoin replaces current monetary system wouldn't deflation be a problem?

Basically that's the whole question. From what I understand in current monetary system inflation is intentional(not high, but moderate). It is done to motivate people to actually spend money instead ...
Piliponful's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Who is the target audience?

I can not stop asking myself the question, what problem does bitcoin actually solve? Before you accuse me of being lazy and not doing any research, here is my thought process: You want to have a ...
Felix Benning's user avatar
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3 answers

Does buying bitcoins and not spending them have negative influence of the bitcoin price? [duplicate]

I'm curios whether stock investing behavior have negative infect on the price of the bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Since popular delusion is that the crypto is like a stock where you buy coins ...
nikola velickovski's user avatar