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2 votes
5 answers

GPU mining slows down my ubuntu

I'm trying to mine using my CPU and GPU. When the CPU is set to use all its cores, I have no problems, but when I use my GPU, my desktop gets way too slow because unity uses it too I think, so I need ...
user3781458's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Bitcoin is using +90% CPU power using Ubuntu 12.04?

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and Bitcoin client v0.8.6.0-g03a7d67-beta and Qt version 4.8.1 as the GUI. My CPU is heating up and is automaticly shutting down after 30 minutes and sometimes after many ...
Jonathan Rogiest's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Running a command line bitcoin CPU miner on ubuntu for slush's pool

I don't intend to do this long term as I am pretty sure the cost of the power would exceed the earnings, this is more for educational purposes. What I'm looking for is a command line miner for Ubuntu. ...
John's user avatar
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