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How to buy bitcoins with Dwolla now 6/14/13? [closed]

Since Bitinstant has deactivated dwolla deposits and campbx has a 31 day wait, besides otc, is there any other exchange ?? Maybe a foreign exchange ? thx
user5573's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a way to transfer money from Dwolla to MtGox without paying BitInstant a 3.99% transaction fee?

I want to transfer some money from Dwolla to MtGox however I've noticed that MtGox's Dwolla account isn't working. I've tried transferring using BitInstant to my MtGox account directly and that works ...
Howard's user avatar
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Can I still transfer USD from MtGox to Dwolla? [duplicate]

Can I still transfer USD from MtGox to Dwolla, and then Dwolla to my bank account? I've done this several times in the past, before the DHS seizure of MtGox's Dwolla funds. It's hard to get an anwser ...
Coin Frog's user avatar
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Did any customers lose money with the Mt Gox / Dwolla legal situation?

This crucial piece of info has been frustratingly absent from the news accounts I've seen. Specifically from what I understand, an account was "frozen". What does that mean for the people unlucky ...
RentFree's user avatar
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Is Mt.Gox currently accepting Dwolla deposits or withdrawals? [closed]

I know that Dwolla stopped depositing/withdrawing funds in Mt.Gox due to a court order, but does anyone know if this is still in place? Related Why can't Dwolla send to Mt Gox?
Loourr's user avatar
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Why can't Dwolla send to Mt Gox?

I received the following after trying to make a USD deposit to Mt. Gox from Dwolla today. Does anyone know more information about this or if the court order may apply to other methods of deposit/...
Briguy37's user avatar
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Why is bitcoin better than other electronic banking, like Dwolla or Paypal?

Why is bitcoin better than Dwolla or Paypal?
Kinnard Hockenhull's user avatar
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How long does it take for Mt Gox withdrawal to Dwolla?

I just sold some BTC and transferred money from Mt Gox to Dwolla. My Mt. Gox account had $150 in it, and now both accounts are zero. Is it normal for neither account to reflect the new balance after ...
makerofthings7's user avatar