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Mining Process - Transactions Selection

I started reading about Bitcoin a few weeks ago. Reading most the information and watching videos on the web, I though I understood about the mining process. However, I was shocked when I realized ...
JRbarros's user avatar
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When do miners stop waiting for new transactions?

I know my question might sound familiar to the question as follow: When does a miner decide to stop collecting transactions and start calculating hashes to try to win? But actually, the reply marked ...
hoanghs13's user avatar
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Understanding the Hash Function

Can someone please explain in detail the components of the final hash that determines the winner of the block? My understanding is that the miners are taking The Merkle Root, The time stamp, The ...
Adam Smith's user avatar
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Bitcoin block hashing algorithm. nonce [closed]

Referencing the Bitcoin wiki, what is the auhoritative source for providing a hash of the previous block? Or do miners keep listening to latest blocks? How is hash of the Merkle root generated? Can ...
Htaras's user avatar
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