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6 votes
1 answer

Are Namecoins obsolete with the upcoming Bitcoin 0.9?

After I have read this article (Smart Property, Colored Coins and Mastercoin) on coindesk I guess that Namecoin is obsolete. I have read the possible use cases for Namecoin and as far as I understand ...
erik's user avatar
  • 587
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5 answers

What challenges will bitcoin face in space?

What would the challenges of transacting in outerspace be for bitcoin? What improvements need to be implemented to address these challenges? I'm particularly curious about low-earth orbit.
Kinnard Hockenhull's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between a market and limit property in the MTGox API?

I'm using the MTGox API to get data about historic trades. When I run{trade_id}, I get the latest 500 trades since that {trade_id}. Now I have for ...
BillN's user avatar
  • 63
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What benefit does bitcoin provide over using a credit card?

I am brand new to Bitcoin. I am retired investor. What benefit would using Bitcoin have over, say, using a credit card, etc.? It appears that Bitcoin is primarily designed for businesses, buying, ...
george white's user avatar