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Questions tagged [ransomware]

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Colonial pipeline attack - how was ransom partially recovered

From Wikipedia: Colonial Pipeline cyber attack This article states that it is not known how the FBI obtained the private key of the address with the ransom in it. Can't find any other sources on this. ...
nonpoliticaltag's user avatar
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Bitcoin extortion threat for address 14poC1Jg97vuvsyoKSZYz7h276LoAZcrtn?

I have received an email saying my computer was hacked a long time ago with a threat of realeasing personal details unless I pay a ransom to a bit coin address: 14poC1Jg97vuvsyoKSZYz7h276LoAZcrtn Is ...
Emma's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How does Wanna Cry verify payment

Reports indicate that there are three default addresses to which victims of Wanna Cry are asked to send funds. Assuming that Wanna Cry actually does decrypt once payment is verified, how can the ...
LJ Jones's user avatar
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Can hackers behind the ransomware WannaCry be traced through bitcoin transactions?

Can hackers behind the ransomware WannaCry be traced through bitcoin transactions? Is there is central server of Bitcoin where all transactions can be looked up from? And is it possible to identify ...
Johnson Zhou's user avatar
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Ransomeware : Decrypt files got encrypted by cerber program

One of my friend, By mistake executed .bat file. By which a opensans.tff file was moved to temp directory and was executed using run command. Outcome was that the program pulled all the files with ...
Deepak Mallah's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to blacklist or track ransomware bitcoin addresses?

Bitcoin ransoms seem to be on the rise. Do exchanges or some organization attempt to put comprehensive lists or tracking of bitcoin addresses used for nefarious purposes that are available to the ...
Mike Cohen's user avatar
8 votes
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How to identify the owner of a Bitcoin address?

My father's computer was infected with a CryptoWall virus. The virus attacker asks for Bitcoins to send me an app to decrypt my our files. Is there any way to identify the Bitcoin address owner? How ...
Akira Yamamoto's user avatar