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Why is the discount on segWit data exactly a factor of 4 and not 5, 6 or something higher?

According to BIP141, the formula for calculating block/transaction weight is: BASE SIZE * 3 + TOTAL SIZE According to Bitcoin wiki (and also based on the above formula): Each byte of the segwit ...
dassd's user avatar
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Is it possible for the `size` and `vsize` to be the same for a valid segwit (bech32) transaction?

I'm aware that for non-segwit transactions, vsize is always the same as size. But is it possible for a valid transaction to include size=vsize when involving segwit inputs/outputs? This particular ...
satirn's user avatar
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Most transactions in a block

Block 689074 had 4,463 transactions. Is this the highest number of transactions in a block until now? What are the things that affect the number of transactions possible in a block? Few observations ...
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Is there a difference between bytes and virtual bytes (vbytes)?

In an Optech newsletter, size is referred to using vbytes. Is there a difference between vbytes and bytes? If so, what is the difference?
AdaptiveAnalysis's user avatar
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On chain cost of Segwit version 1 versus version 0

How do total blockchain cost for Segwit version 0 compare to version 1 which is being proposed? I'm specifically interested in a single user transactions – both paying to public key (or pk hash) and ...
Wapac's user avatar
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How does SegWit reduce transaction size, when the signature is simply moved to another part of the transaction?

This video explains that the signature is moved out of the input section and moved to the new one called the witness. From what I can tell, the witness signature is still contained in this transaction ...
robinnnnn's user avatar
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What is the maximum size for SegWit transactions?

Before SegWit was activated, transactions were limited to 100,000 bytes or 100 kB. Bigger transactions were non-standard. What is the limit for transaction size after the activation of SegWit? Is ...
Murch's user avatar
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How much does the weight of 2-of-3 multisignature inputs differ between P2SH and P2SH-P2WSH?

I'm trying to calculate the weight of a 2-of-3 multisignature P2SH-P2WSH input. I found the related question Predict multi signature transaction size, which I've calculated with m=2, n=3 here: ...
Murch's user avatar
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Why does BIP141 define both virtual transaction size and weight?

Why does BIP 141 (segwit) define both virtual transaction size and weight? Weight seems to be just four times virtual transaction size (or vice versa, depending on what you define first). Why are ...
Karel Bílek's user avatar
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