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Questions tagged [usability]

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2 answers

Does a 12 word recovery phrase offer the same security as 24 words?

Watching this Q&A with andreas he states that a 12 word recovery phrase offers the same amount of security as a 24 word seed phrase as the output is 128 bits either way. If this is the case, why ...
bosch-0's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Bisq not upgrade Tor addresses silently [closed]

I started up Bisq today. It had a pop-up with elaborate instructions on how to "upgrade Tor v2 addresses to v3". This involved shutting down Bisq, deleting a dir and then starting it back ...
Jocob S's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Would it be possible to dictate a bech32 address as a list of English words?

One of the reason for bech32 address is: "it'easier to dictate it over the phone". Is there an algorithm to convert a bech32 address into a list of English words that would make it even easier? ...
Gabriele Domenichini's user avatar
3 votes
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Mnemonic seed language options

How many languages are mnemonic seeds currently offered in other than English? Does the entropy for different languages depend on the number of words the relevant dictionary has available to draw ...
Logan's user avatar
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1 answer

How do Reusable Payment Codes work?

I've recently heard about "Reusable Payment Codes" (BIP 47), and it sounds like a great feature, except that I couldn't find a simple explanation of how they work. Can anybody explain them please?
shx2's user avatar
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