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Questions tagged [vertcoin]

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3 votes
2 answers

Would it be possible to do atomic swaps with Monero and Bitcoin?

Litecoin and Vertcoin is currently testing out atomic swaps with Bitcoin as of 2017-08. Would atomic swaps be possible with Monero?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Generating a Vertcoin public / private key using javascript and bitcoinjs? [closed]

I noticed in the bitcoinjs library there are parameters to generate litecoin and dogecoin addresses. But how can this be used to also generate vertcoin addresses? Is this even possible using the same ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Building Vertcoin ERROR - makefile.unix:219: recipe for target 'vertcoind' failed [closed]

Building Vertcoin on Xubuntu 16.10 build error: Last lines of the output: obj/util.o: In function `boost::program_options::detail::basic_config_file_iterator<char>::getline(std::string&)': ...
Aurigae's user avatar
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1 answer

p2pool merged mining

I installed p2pool on my server for triple merged mining - VTC, MON, PLX. Server is running smoothly, but I don'know how to setup my addreses in miner. I have read that you can add for example MON ...
minus1's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to mine solo Vertcoin?

Now, I assume that probably all cryptocurrencies that have any value at all are impossible to mine alone for any realistic mining cluster setup, for a normal individual. However, I have been curious ...
AttributedTensorField's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is Vertcoin really ASIC resistant?

Vertcoin comes with Adaptive-N-factor, which means the scrypt algorithm PBKDF parameter N will be changed according to the announced time table. Litecoin has N=10, while Vertcoin starts with N=11. And ...
jclin's user avatar
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