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Questions tagged [volume]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Addresses versus unique addresses

So, according to there are roughly 942,000 unique addresses as of a few days ago. When I go to the Bitcoin Rich List on it looks like there are 23+ million ...
Lawrence Lepard's user avatar
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Percent of bitcoin transactions not to exchanges?

Is there any way to estimate the percentage of bitcoin transaction volume that isn't related to speculation? For example, one could estimate the volume sent to and received from the major exchanges ...
Elliot Gorokhovsky's user avatar
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Prices and numbers of transactions

At we see that $/BTC ratio has been pretty steady for the past week, while the number of transactions per day has plummeted from more than 120,000 to fewer than 27,000. I'...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Can Circulating supply decrease?

Looking at the historical data of Loopring, I noticed something strange. On Jan 4, Market cap was $163,805,000 and closed price was $0.65. That means, circulating supply was around 252M. On Jan 5, ...
SpiralDev's user avatar
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"Wrong Volume" ? Need testnet3 tBTC?

Why do I keep getting "Wrong Volume" from all the testnet faucets? What does that mean & how can I fix it? I'm a developer trying to write an educational & safe testnet/signet/...
JDOaktown's user avatar
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Where can I find market volume data with greater resolution than 24hr periods?

I have scraper that pulls data from coinmarketcap for all coins for all historic periods (down to 15min intervals) however, the only volume info available is 24hr volume. Does anyone know if it's ...
user437032's user avatar