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"Wrong Volume" ? Need testnet3 tBTC?

Why do I keep getting "Wrong Volume" from all the testnet faucets? What does that mean & how can I fix it? I'm a developer trying to write an educational & safe testnet/signet/...
JDOaktown's user avatar
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How can 6.10 ₿ be the average value of a Bitcoin transaction (lately)?

Number of Bitcoins sent in the last 24 hours: 1.84 million ₿. Number of Bitcoin transactions in the last 24 hours: ~301,900. This becomes on average 6.10 ₿ per transaction. That's shocking to me. ...
Klyde's user avatar
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What does volume mean?

When we talk about OHLCV bars for say LTC-BTC, what does volume mean ? Is it the quantity of LTC transacted during the bar or the quantity of BTC transacted during the bar?
s5s's user avatar
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Where can I find the transaction volume?

I want to find the trading volume to do some trend analysis.But I can't find
Scotte Dan's user avatar
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Reports of Cryptocurrency Exchanges faking volume trade data. Where can one find this report?

In 2018 December there was a research report on cryptocurrency exchanges faking volume trade data. Where can one find this report on these exchanges? Supposedly the only 2 exchanges that had real ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How does Coinbase / GDAX calculate volume in historical candles?

How does Coinbase/GDAX calculate the "Volume" in candle data? I'm pulling data from the GDAX API in 2 ways; 1, by requesting candles similar to this endpoint, and 2, by tallying up raw tick data from ...
user1399181's user avatar
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Bittrex API OpenBuyOrders OpenSellOrders - what do they actually show?

e.g. shows: {..."OpenBuyOrders":1557,"OpenSellOrders":13944,...} What do these numbers refer to since they do not match the BTC ...
Usman Ahmad's user avatar
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Can Circulating supply decrease?

Looking at the historical data of Loopring, I noticed something strange. On Jan 4, Market cap was $163,805,000 and closed price was $0.65. That means, circulating supply was around 252M. On Jan 5, ...
SpiralDev's user avatar
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Where to find last x hour/minute trading volume for a given coin

Coinmarketcap shows trading volume for the last 24 hour. Where can I find trading volume for the last x hour/minute? Or How can I calculate it myself programmatically?
SpiralDev's user avatar
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How does Coinmarketcap calculate volume?

Does Coinmarketcap read all trade history from the APIs of all exchanges and sums them up to calculate overall 24h volume? Or Does it retrieve it directly from specific coin's api?
SpiralDev's user avatar
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High activity on exchanges vs. low transaction rate on blockchain

I a bit puzzled to see high transaction rates on BTC exchanges yet read that the blockchain only confirms about 6 transactions per second. Given that every transaction on an exchange requires also a ...
Christian Lindig's user avatar
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Addresses versus unique addresses

So, according to there are roughly 942,000 unique addresses as of a few days ago. When I go to the Bitcoin Rich List on it looks like there are 23+ million ...
Lawrence Lepard's user avatar
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Where can I find On Balance Volume for bitcoin? (or ETH, LTC?)

I recently read about the usefulness of On balance Volume (OBV) in predicting price movement. I use GDAX and don't think it has OBV. (Or is there?) Any exchange that displays OBV? Thanks.
S K's user avatar
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Is there a site that tracks volume over time?

Coinmarketcap shows the current volume data. Is there a site that tracks volume over time in a graph and data table where you can sort by highest volume days? I'm looking to see if a specific coin has ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Volume in the Charts is different than what gets returned from the API's

when I pull volume data (BaseVolume?) from the Bittrex (for example) API every minute, draw a chart from that data and then compare that with the one minute timeframed volume chart (the study chart) ...
WtFudgE's user avatar
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Where can I find market volume data with greater resolution than 24hr periods?

I have scraper that pulls data from coinmarketcap for all coins for all historic periods (down to 15min intervals) however, the only volume info available is 24hr volume. Does anyone know if it's ...
user437032's user avatar
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Percent of bitcoin transactions not to exchanges?

Is there any way to estimate the percentage of bitcoin transaction volume that isn't related to speculation? For example, one could estimate the volume sent to and received from the major exchanges ...
Elliot Gorokhovsky's user avatar
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Economic effect of Bitcoin

I am an accounting student and I recently read about bitcoins, I was wondering if anybody could clear up my questions from my basic understanding of the bitcoin system. Since Bitcoins on a whole, ...
Khalid Mohammed's user avatar
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Bitcoin trading volume: what's going on?

Since January, bitcoin trading volume on exchanges has been slowly dropping (more or less, on average), but it's had a significant drop around May 13th, and has stayed low since then. I checked the ...
Juan's user avatar
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What is to stop people from pumping the volume of transactions via automated micropayments to a large group of addresses?

This depends on the way in which # transactions are measured.
user2596426's user avatar
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Prices and numbers of transactions

At we see that $/BTC ratio has been pretty steady for the past week, while the number of transactions per day has plummeted from more than 120,000 to fewer than 27,000. I'...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Unclear Trade Volumes on Bitcoin Charts

Many 'stats/charts' sites are reporting trade volumes, without ever specifying which trade volume they are referring to: Number of Sent Bitcoins / 24h (Transaction Volume) Number of Bitcoins sent to ...
Newb's user avatar
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At what rate are new addresses appearing in the blockchain?

How many new addresses are the recipient of transactions hourly? daily? weekly? monthly? I understand that this is always changing, so bonus points if you can provide code to calculate it!
Colin Dean's user avatar
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