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Transactions are signed messages carrying out the transfer or generation of bitcoins. They are broadcast throughout the Bitcoin network and, if accepted, integrated in the blockchain.

6 votes

What does "Not yet redeemed" mean in a BlockExplorer transaction output?

Bitcoin transactions work with inputs and outputs. … Only coinbase transactions do not require inputs. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

How could you initiate a new Exchange Market?

It may also help to trade on your own site in the beginning both to not completely rely on new user's transactions and to generate some trade volume. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
0 votes

How to decrypt asm?

As you can see in the specification of the pay-to-pubkey-hash transactions scripts (the regular scripts to pay to Bitcoin address), the input input script only consists of two data elements, the signature …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
2 votes

What motivates nodes (or miners) to relay transactions?

The only way to expect others to relay your own transactions is to do the same with theirs. … If you know from yourself that you are dependent on other miners, it is only logical that you help others to get their transactions in a block as well, so that you can assume they do the same with yours …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

Setting up: sending and email

If the transactions is shown in your Bitcoin-Qt client as having confirmations, then the transaction went through and is confirmed. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
5 votes

What were IP transactions supposed to be useful for?

The only known use for IP transactions I could find is the one mentioned in the pull request by gmaxwell: Aww. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

Do transactions get slower over time?

So, to answer your questions, transactions do not necessarily get slower over time, on the condition that the upper limit of transactions in a block is high enough. … To prevent transactions from occurring twice, once a miner receives a new valid block from a fellow miner, he checks what transactions in his pool are also in that block. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
4 votes

Is there a way to prove ownership of a transaction?

You cannot "own" a transaction. But you can own the private keys for one or more of the addresses from the inputs of the transaction. A (regular) transaction must be signed with the private keys of t …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
12 votes

Why do outputs need to be spent entirely?

They are called pay-to-pubkey-hash transactions. … The way transactions are created is as follows: Take a number of unspent outputs from previous transactions and use them as inputs. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
5 votes

Explainations about chaining of transactions

It contains a list of the addresses you own and the corresponding private keys you need to make transactions with your addresses. … For each address there are zero or more transactions that have the address as output. When you did not send them over to someone else, the are called unspent bitcoins or unspent transaction outputs. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes
1 answer

Do all private keys that are resolved to the same address give access to the bitcoins on thi...

Which of the intermediate keys is used to sign transactions with? Ultimately, there can exist two different private keys that resolve to the same address or public key. … Can both be used for signing transactions spending outputs assigned to that address? …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
1 vote

TxHash to BlockHash using API

Although I don't fully understand your question, I can tell you that you can get the hash of a block at height Happy using the getblockhash api call: getblockhash 277586 Will result in the block ha …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

nLockTime transactions, how do they persist? Are they broadcast before they are valid?

The release notes for Bitcoin Core (Satoshi client) version 0.9.0 states Accept nLockTime transactions that finalize in the next block So it will just discard other nLockTime transactions. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
6 votes

How are parts of Bitcoins traded?

It is not true that individual bitcoins have an identifier. In fact, individual bitcoins do not exist. What your wallet holds are addresses. These addresses can occur in the Bitcoin block chain, whic …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k
6 votes

What does "prev_out" and "n" mean in's API data?

However, many transactions do. This is because many transactions have only one input. You must know, though, that it is possible to have multiple inputs. …
Steven Roose's user avatar
  • 11.9k

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