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5 votes

Why P2SH seems to be never smaller than 34 characters, unlike P2PKH?

Because Base58 initial 1s carry 8 bits of data, but P2SH addresses cannot be represented with a string with initial 1s so it starts with 3 which, like all other cases & characters, encodes 5.86 ...
MCCCS's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get permission to edit the Bitcoin Wiki?

Currently, you can ask for permission at IRC channel #bitcoin-wiki on Freenode
JBaczuk's user avatar
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1 vote

green addresses are "generally considered a bad idea and not advisable to implement."?

Green addresses has receivers trusting the owners of the green address to not perform a double spend. However trusting anyone to not double spend in Bitcoin is inadvisable, regardless of whether they ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
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1 vote

Why the "Unspent Transaction Output Set" is called "UTXO", not "UTOS"?

In the field of computer technology, the standard abbreviation for transaction is TX, and it is used elsewhere in Bitcoin as just that (for a single transaction) and in other combinations, for example ...
Old Pro's user avatar
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What does script operation "OP_IFDUP" do?

Another use said there is not a well known use, but I think that OP_IFDUP is super nifty. Adding my response (years later) to share the knowledge in case someone else comes across this post. Consider ...
Jeremy Rubin's user avatar

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