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Unanswered Questions

142 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Fail to sign the Segwit Transaction's input in bitcoinj

I want to spend from a segwit address and it has a P2WPH script, I created this transaction just like creating a normal P2PKH transaction, but just changed the address of the input to the segwit ...
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0 answers

How to sign a 2-of-2 multisig address?

I want to implement 2-of-2 multisig in bitcoinj, and I implement the methods which are used to sign the first time and the second time. But there is a bug that using the same key for the first signing ...
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Missing input returned from sendrawtransaction on P2SH multisig?

I'm playing around on regtest to build a flow for P2SH multisig. I'm getting "missing inputs" back from the sendrawtransaction RPC call, but I see inputs when I put it in a decoder. They each have a ...
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0 answers

How to implement 2/2 multi-signature transactions with bitcoinj

I am using bitcoinj to implement a 2/2 multi-signature transaction. Now I want to use bitcoinj to generate a 2/2 multi-signature address and its corresponding Redeem Script through the public keys of ...
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0 answers

Does Electrum reveal a wallets public key to Electrum Servers?

When Electrum Bitcoin wallet queries a random Electrum Server does it send the public key to the server or does it send a batch of addresses to check? For instance, after setting up Electrum Personal ...
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0 answers

What to pass in Transaction Input using Bitcoinj library

URGENT - Need help with setting up Transaction Input and Output objects Transaction rawTransaction = new Transaction(params); txnAmount = Coin.valueOf(50000000); rawTransaction.addOutput(txnAmount, ...
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Bitcoin core read-only

I have system where users can generate addresses and bring some coins, and get bonuses after. I want to make my core read-only. For this I have a second bitcoin core which have not connected to ...
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Bitcoinj Spend from a address directly without wallet

I am stuck trying to send coins from arbitary privateKey in bitcoinj. How can I make the following function work without using the Kit or Wallet classes? @Override public String transferCoin( ECKey ...
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Send funds from a specific address with bitcoinj

I have two addresses in my wallet. I use one of them as a buffer and clients can receive money only from that address. How can I send money from a specific address?
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Lightning Network: are all keys pre-generated in the base row of the merkle tree?

From the whitepaper, page 41: Keys are generated in a merkle tree and are very deep within the tree. For instance, Alice pre-generates one million keys, each key being a child of the previous ...
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0 answers

how to create unsigned transaction by hot wallet which is retrieved from watchingKey

via Bitcoinj , i am trying to create hot wallet as front used to get balance , create unsigned transaction (corresponding , i have cold wallet forever be offline used to sign transaction only) My ...
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How to list non-HD addresses in bitcoin core?

Let's say I imported some private keys, how do I distinguish between those and addresses generated from the HD master key?
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Creating HD wallets with BouncyCastle in C#?

I'm trying to write a class that can be used to generate public/private key pairs for bitcoin (and any of its 'clones'), I found some code elsewhere that uses BouncyCastle to generate keys, here's the ...
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0 answers

Get filtered block for a given transaction using bitcoinj

I am currently working with bitcoinj to interact with bitcoin node. I am trying to obtain a filtered block for a given transaction or public key. Is it possible?
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0 answers

blockChainDownloadLocked ignoring the duplicate request error

I work with a bitcoin wallet app using the Java/BitcoinJ. The app has custom features such as showing balance, transactions, address and sending option. It was running fine and suddenly, I get the ...

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