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Unanswered Questions

451 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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ElectrumX Crashes on Reading blocks from Bitcoind regtest node

Can anyone help me to debug this issue? What I Am Trying to Do I am attempting to run a bitcoind regtest node and connect it to electrumx_server The Problem When I run electrumx_server, it connects to ...
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0 answers

Three functional tests in`` fail with `JSONRPCException: Method not found (-32601)`

I'm building bitcoind on MacOS 14.7.1 and running the functional test bitcoind was built minimally with: cmake -B build \ -DBUILD_GUI=OFF \ -DWITH_BDB=OFF \ -DBUILD_BENCH=...
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1 answer

Could the Bitcoin network support billions of nodes?

Current estimates for the number of active Bitcoin nodes range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. However, is there a practical limit to how many nodes the network can support, other ...
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bitcoind.service file to automatically start on boot

hi all i'm noob so sorry in advance i installed bitcoind.service and everything is fine untill i reboot the system. here is screenshot when i reboot the system it doesn't work and show me this i ...
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Bitcoin - funds stolen

Help!!!!! my bitcoins with bitcoin core were stolen. The computer on which the bitcoin was located was turned off and not connected to the network for six months, after turning it on, an update began, ...
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2 answers

bitcoin daemon crashing on initial block download

I'm trying to do the initial block download so I can run a full node. Didn't experience any issues until the download got to about 87% then bitcoind crashed without logging any errors. I've tried ...
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Bitcoin Core ZMQ `sequence` notifications on Regtest

We use ZMQ notifications to monitor new blocks and new transactions in the mempool. It works very well on mainnet, but on testnet and regtest it works halfway: only new blocks are notified but not ...
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0 answers

How to get WIF private key from wallet.dat in bitcoind

I have a wallet.dat that was generated by bitcoind, and I want to use it in a piece of software that I'm creating that signs multisignature transactions using bitcoinlibjs. My code requires a WIF ...
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0 answers

How to use local Bitcoin wallet with remote bitcoind node for transaction creation

I'm trying to manage a Bitcoin wallet on my local machine using bitcoin-cli, but my local node isn't and cannot be fully synced and can't be pruned due to the need for historical UTXO data to build ...
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0 answers

Repeated corruption issue with bitcoind

I'm trying to index the entire chain for spent P2PK inputs for this program I'm writing, and whenever I get to this transaction - 7a8394fd438d9fbe6b36ce38e5b0ca65037f864d1007236775ac3532b886ebe1 - I ...
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0 answers

Why does bitcoin core has to reindex the chainstate directory in some cases?

I was reading that some people were able to migrate their old index directories to a new machine and not needing to reindex. But for me it acts as if the chainstate directory is "corrupt", ...
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0 answers

Can I setup a private testnet full node to reduce the testnet gas?

As the title described, I want to set up a bitcoin private testnet full node, in order to reduce the gas I send the transaction.(the transaction I sent to my node can be mined by my node. But I think ...
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0 answers

Bitcoin wallet generation with P2TR

I am a newbie in bitcoin development and I just started it with bitcoinj library for Java. I can get the code snippet to generate bitcoin wallet and legacy address. Timestamp createdAt = Timestamp....
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Connecting bitcoind and BTC RPC Explorer in docker

Apologies if this isn't so much a bitcoin question, as a docker or RPC explorer one. Although my trouble seems to be correctly exposing bitcoind RPC so I'm hoping someone might be able to illuminate ...
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2 answers

If multiple nodes start at different points, so do we need to sync the nodes so that they are operating at the same time

From Can multiple candidate blocks be mined concurrently by the miner, even if at the end only one block gets added to the chain every 10 mins? Time sync between nodes: If multiple nodes start at ...

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