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Unanswered Questions

118 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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1 answer

Change derive path

I've used bitcoinj wallet and used derive path as below. public static final ImmutableList<ChildNumber> ACCOUNT_ZERO_PATH = ImmutableList.of(ChildNumber.ZERO_HARDENED); But I made changes in ...
0 votes
1 answer

Issue with the BitcoinJ for Litecoin. Which dependency can be used for Litecoin?

I've created a crypto-currency wallet for Bitcoin using BitcoinJ. Now I want to add Litecoin in this wallet. How to implement BitcoinJ dependency for Litecoin? While using BitcoinJ for both Litecoin ...
0 votes
1 answer

BitcoinJ : Balance and Transaction are not showing in wallet after restoring wallet from MnemonicCode

I have created a wallet with the help of WalletAppKit on Android and did some transaction in it. Now what I try to do is, restoring that wallet from mnemonic code (BIP39). It also returns the Wallet ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can i switch from BIP32 to BIP44 using bitcoinj

i am working on a wallet that is using BIP32 for creating Accounts, addresses, xpub, public keys, transaction and etc. but now i want to switch from BIP32 to BIP 44. how can i do this using bitcoinj i ...
0 votes
0 answers

How it is possible to wrap with BitcoinJ a Bitcoin Core RPC interface and drives regtest mode

Despite the fact that I have already create an address in regtest network which has Bitcoins I can not import correctly this address to my BitcoinJ app in order to execute certain functions(OP_CODE tx,...
0 votes
2 answers

How to get unspent bitcoins using bitcoinj

I'm trying to get unspent transaction using bitcoinj like here without using api calls. How can I do this?
0 votes
0 answers

Java bitcoinj: ECKey hashCode() and equals() overrides inconsistent

In my recent endeavor to learn Scala, reading the Scala book by Martin Odersky et al. I remember being struck by the emphasis placed by the authors on the difficulty of properly overriding the equals ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to create SegWit address from mnemonic in Python 3.8.10

I am having trouble creating SegWit address from mnemonic. I can't find any useful code to do that. I tried using BitcoinLib but I don't know how to disable saving wallets to disk. EDIT: I found ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I create the input of raw transaction through the previous UTXO hash and the unspent index in bitcoinj?

I want to create a raw transaction’s input and output, and sign it then broadcast to testnet. Now I know how to create the output, but I want to refer the transaction that I can input the UTXO hash ...
-1 votes
3 answers

BITCOINJ: how to make my wallet aware again about change of my transaction status after my server restart?

Using bitcoinj, my server created a transaction and it was broadcasted on the blockchain. I can get its history using: walletAppKit.wallet().getTransaction(txHash) It is in Pending state. Then I ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I generate public address from an xpub key in Java?

I have an xpub key with which I want to generate all addresses which have been used or will be used and then find out the keys which have balance. Here's a sample xpubkey with balance- ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Transaction not broadcasting on peer network(Blockchain)

I am using Bitcoinj and doing the transaction and I am getting the TX hash but the hash is not showing in any explorer site SendRequest finalReq =, Coin.parseCoin(ammount)....
-2 votes
1 answer

Problem identifying the transaction hash for a new segwit uxto wallet

How do I the transaction id or transaction hash of a new segwit wallet I just created and sent tokens to? The transaction hash I see from refers to the hash of the previous transaction. ...

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