How can I efficiently search the bitcoin-dev mailing list for discussion on a specific term e.g. deprecating BIP37 support?
This question was asked by pinheadmz on IRC.
How can I efficiently search the bitcoin-dev mailing list for discussion on a specific term e.g. deprecating BIP37 support?
This question was asked by pinheadmz on IRC.
The simplest way to do this is use a search engine e.g. Google, DuckDuckGo and enter:
This is also useful for searching GitHub issues, pull requests as a Google search is often more effective than the search functionality.
Alternatively you can go to and download all the gzip mboxes (the URL scheme is simple, so you write a shell one-liner with curl), ungzip them, cat them together, and then use mutt -f combined.mbox
for file in $(curl $url | grep -Eo \\d{4}-\\w+\\.txt\\.gz); do
wget "$url$file"
gzip *.gz
cat *.txt > combined.mbox
mutt -f combined.mbox
This question was answered by various individuals on IRC. Thanks to the individual who provided the above shell script.
May 2023 update
There is now a Bitcoin technical search site (maintained by Chaincode Labs) where you can search commonly used technical resources (bitcoin-dev, lightning-dev mailing list, Bitcoin Talk, Bitcoin StackExchange,, Bitcoin Optech etc) by author (e.g. "Andrew Chow") and/or keyword (e.g. "Adaptor signatures").