I have a 3/5 multisig bitcoin wallet. I understand all 5 signers have their own set of private keys and public keys. What I don't understand is how the "receiving" addresses work. Does each set of keys have its own set of addresses and it doesn't matter which addresses funds are deposited to?
1 Answer
No, there is a single multisig address, which can be computed from all the participants' keys.
Funds can then be sent to that multisig address, and when 3 out of the 5 predetermined keys associated with the address sign, that money can be spent.
Thanks - question: when you say "single multisig adress", you mean several addresses from the extended public key? I've been sending to a new address on the multisig wallet every single transaction.– karnsCommented Aug 24, 2022 at 13:20
1Yes, that's possible. In that case a new address is generated, each using a new key from every participant, which are generated in lock-step from those participants' xpubs. The point I was trying to make is that that each individual multisig address has contributions from each participant. It's not an address per participant. Commented Aug 24, 2022 at 13:53