I just found a list of 25 english words (not my native language) on a white paper in my mother's house. This has to be old, because i don't touch that desk for a long time, 10+ years.
I have been searching for some info, regarding the 25 seed phrases but i dont have any conclusive anwser.
I found the BIP0039 dictionary, but the problem is that half of my words are not on this list.
Words like, flute, salute, point, are not on the BIP0039.
I dont know what coin it belongs neither what wallet i used back then. I rembember waiting 1 day to syncronize the blockchain to my computer, but i already tried the Bitcoin core wallet, but it doenst have any seed phrase recovery option.
Are there any other dictionaries i can compare my list with, so i can guess what coin this wallet refers too ? What steps would you take to find out ?
Thank you all.