Context: I am creating an example code that would demonstrate an atomic swap between Elements and Bitcoin, with the aim that the swap transactions cannot be trivially linked, as it would be with simple HTLC, where you can look for the same hash/preimage in both chains. This is because the key to disclose is actually a sum of keys, (A+B), and to claim the other side of the swap, another sum key, (A+C) is used. A, B, and C are only known to (one or both) participants.
I use CHECKSIGFROMSTACK on Elements side to force the counterparty to create a signature with fixed R value (the k would be known, and thus the other party can recover the key)
I was pointed to, where gmaxwell tells that you can achieve the same effect of forcing privkey disclosure on unmodified Bitcoin.
He says that he is aware of two ways to achieve this on unmodified Bitcoin, one of them is:
My questions:
in the script listed above, the signature is forced to be of the length less than or equal 57. This seems to rely on known small R value, and assumption that other R values of equal or smaller size for some known k is not computationally possible to find.
in this post an R value with 90 leading zero bits is given. S would need to be <= 29 bytes in size with R length of 21 bytes (166 bit), for signature to fit into 57 byte limit (29+21+6+1=57). To satisfy this script using this known small R, the creator of the signature would need to search for the message to sign that would result in a signature with len(S) <= 29. Is this tight limit chosen to reduce 'wiggle room' for bruteforcing R ?
What is the second method to achieve this on unmodified Bitcoin ?
If these methods work, why they have not been widely used instead of HTLC constructs, given that these methods (or at least the presented one) are not much more complex implementation-wise, but are more private (because there is no public shared hash/preimage) ? What are the downsides of these methods, versus HTLC ?
(Note: The questions above are more out of intellectual curiosity than for concrete practical purpose, because when Schnorr signatures will be enabled on Bitcoin (I hope that won't be too long), adaptor signatures would be much better way to create atomic swaps without trivial link between transactions)