I plan on attaching my Bitcoin Addresse to a program that will pay me multiple times. I plan on setting it and using only one. So which address is the best to use, the one that starts with BC or the number 1?

My fear is that if I put the one BTC address that keeps changing onto the program, then I may not receive multiple payments. Because the address wouldn't be good.

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All those addresses have the same structure (a public key hash) and are used the same way.

The difference is, bc1 addresses keep transaction signatures in a separate place in the blockchain than 1 addresses. That is, there's a fee discount when you spend from bc1 addresses. Without any doubts, the newer bc1 addresses are superior.

The reason 1 addresses are still in use is, legacy codebases that aren't updated for bc1 compatibility. Use bc1 whenever possible.

  • So the BC1 will never change? I plan on leaving it for everyone on my platform, to pay me continuously. So once I set, I dont have to worry? Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 4:41
  • No, all addresses change, but you can still pay to the previous address without any doubt. You'll always receive it
    – MCCCS
    Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 8:44

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