Which IP do I have to fill in in mSIGNA to connect to the Bitcoin Network without using the BitcoinQt/bitcoind application?

Is it possible to use mSIGNA and BitcoinQt even if the syncing process is not finished yet?

3 Answers 3


Yes there is a way, you need a way to connect to someone running BitcoinQT and who has made their node public. BitcoinQT runs as a node, but to make it discoverable to any but other BitcoinQT wallet users you have to go a step further.

So you need a list of such BitcoinQT "servers", and I found one earlier and in searching for that list of open Bitcoin-QT "servers" someone had published I found this.

If I manage to find it again, I am trying to solve my problem with sending from mSIGNA, I will post a link and more complete answer here.

  • 1
    A list of nodes can be found here: blockchain.info/connected-nodes
    – Jasty
    Commented Jun 19, 2015 at 2:45
  • If the list at this link is empty... what does that mean? No bitcoins anymore... ;-) Commented Sep 20, 2017 at 15:35

mSIGNA can connect to any bitcoin node that is publicly available online. There is a list of nodes that can currently be reached online from Bitnodes. The IP address of any public node can be specified by following the instruction from the mSIGNA Getting Started Guide is excerpted below:

If you would prefer to connect to a remote bitcoin node, you can change
the IP address and port under Network->Settings…(File->Preferences
… on Mac).

NOTE: mSIGNA™ only connects via the peer-to-peer protocol and does not require any special RPC access to other nodes.


I think there's no way to connect without Bitcoin-Qt as Getting Started Tutorial states:

By default, mSIGNA™ will attempt to connect to a bitcoin node running on localhost (i.e. a local running instance of Bitcoin-Qt). If you have Bitcoin-Qt running on your computer, leave this setting alone. If you would prefer to connect to a remote bitcoin node, you can change the IP address and port under Network->Settings… (File->Preferences … on Mac).

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