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Questions tagged [hosting]

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Where can I find RPC_User and RPC_Password for my Python Script?

I'm still struggling with this to obtain "rpc_user" and "rpc_password" this is the Python Script I did try others to fill in others network like but it does not ...
Jsim's user avatar
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how do i get my @host for LN

I cannot find where to get the host to complete a lightning channel. I have tried searching in the command prompt but cannot find host info anywhere.
Joe Saz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can we estimate how many node has the Bitcoin network? [duplicate]

Is it possible to estimate the amount of nodes (hosts) are connected to the Bitcoin network in a given time? Note: Here node means host.
Questioner's user avatar
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Any free bitcoind vps?

So let's say I'm developing a mining device that has some basic Ethernet or Wifi capabilities, but defiantly cannot run bitcoind. Let's also say that this device is open-source, so I cannot host a ...
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Opinions on Siacoin's cloud hosting platform? You mine Siacoins by hosting files, and their current storage rates are 10x less than AWS [closed]

I was hoping to get some insight on how useful or competitive Siacoin's file hosting platform is compared to competitors. You mine Siacoins by hosting parts of files, and they claim for their cloud ...
daniel metlitski's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I pay someone else to operate a miner on my behalf?

Is there a company or individual out there that sells Bitcoin miners and holds them under their supervision for a fee? If so... I'd like to know.
A. Roth's user avatar
3 votes
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The setup steps for generating bitcoin addresses programmatically and checking for payments with walletnotify

I have read this question and done some investigation, and I want to make sure I have some of this right. If I have a server somewhere where I can install bit coin (I'm thinking bitcoin-qt on Ubuntu)...
MikeHelland's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Self-hosted Bitcoin wallet for Linux with API?

I'm looking for some Bitcoin wallet software I can host locally on my Linux server that provides either an API or webhooks for detecting when Bitcoin transactions have completed. I also need a way to ...
Chad Johnson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can too big hosted mining service be mitigated by allowing customers to choose mining pool?

Let's say a company is hosting mining hardware, either hosting customers' hardware or renting out the hashes produced by hardware owned by the company, or both. So the company is physically ...
Dr.Haribo's user avatar
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2 answers

Security advise on setting up a gambling Bitcoin site

I have written a Bitcoin gambling site and am planning on the best approach to host it/manage it securely. The site is implemented in Java using the BitcoinJ API and servlets etc are handled via the ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to run a bitcoind on a hosting securely?

I'm developing a web site which should receive bitcoins and display the amount of received coins. As this is my first bitcoin experience I would like to know if the following scheme is secure enough: ...
Alexey Kalmykov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

VirCurEx - Balance vs Available Balance

So I have a VirCurEx account and I moved 1.5 BitCoins over to it... After the transaction was complete (like a day ago) I was checking and the website said "Balance - 1.5" which is correct but then ...
Albert Renshaw's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Can Bitcoin be run in a shared hosting environment?

Can bitcoind be installed and run on shared hosting? Has anyone successfully done this? If not why not.
Kinnard Hockenhull's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Where are Bitcoin online casinos hosted?

With a few Bitcoin-powered online casinos popping up every now and then, I am wondering where they are hosted and if they operate legally in the given area?
ThePiachu's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Running a store through Tor - what are the setup options available?

I am required to setup a store that will operate through Tor and accept Bitcoin payments only. I know I can run the standard client on the server and make it connect to peers only through Tor. However,...
ThePiachu's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Which VPS providers are the most popular or notable for hosting bitcoind instances? [closed]

A lot of people wanting to create their own service communicating with a bitcoind instance use virtual servers for hosting due to the low associated costs. Which service providers are the most popular ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
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