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4 answers

What is the point of "Bitcoin Lightning" and "Bitcoin Liquid"?

Even having been "into" Bitcoin since almost since the start, I constantly find new weird things mentioned which are just apparently taken for granted and exist suddenly and somehow have ...
Balarezo's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the contest period really necessary for cross-chain transactions in 2-way-peg sidechains?

According to the first sidechain article (Link), the cross chain transaction process can be briefly describe as follows: Alice has a wallet on sidechain S1. She wants to send some coins to sidechain ...
Cong's user avatar
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Claiming liquid peg-in: „The txoutproof must contain bitcoinTx and only bitcoinTX“

I‘m trying to do a liquid pegin. Generated the pegin address and sent funds to it, waited < 102 blocks. When trying to claim them with liquid-cli claimpegin “rawtransaction“ “txoutproof“ The ...
Philipp's user avatar
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2 answers

How to burn confidential assets or pegged bitcoin on Bitcoin Liquid sidechain

I used to burn bitcoin sending to a bogus address like 1111111111111111111114oLvT2 There is any equivalent confidential address for Elements/Liquid?
Marco Argentieri's user avatar
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Why is liquid so inactive and (according to statistics) not being used yet?

After years of development 3 Months ago Liquid (the side chain project) was announced. If you look at you can find the following statistics as of right now: Sidechain Stats ...
Rene Pickhardt's user avatar
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Transaction deserialization test vectors for Elements sidechain?

I'm working on adding support for Elements sidechain to library. Transaction serialization/deserialization seems to be working, but to test it properly,...
Dmitry Petukhov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to verify how many Liquid Bitcoins are in existence?

Is there a way to recognize peginaddresses where bitcoins are locked up for use on the Liquid sidechain, and therefore a way to sum up the total bitcoins currently circulating on Liquid?
Dominik Spicher's user avatar
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How long do transactions on the Liquid Network take to clear?

Transactions on the Liquid sidechain are said to enable much faster transfers than the main Bitcoin blockchain. How fast are the the transfers? Does it still use a blockchain?
Jonathan Cross's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Will the Liquid sidechain be open to any user?

With the recent start of the private beta of Liquid, the first sidechain is now in production on the Bitcoin network. One of the features advertised is: User Control – Users can hold their ...
Murch's user avatar
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