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Questions tagged [liquid]

This tag should be used for questions referring to the Liquid inter-exchange settlement network developed by Blockstream.

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2 votes
2 answers

Bitcoin transactions associated with layer 2 projects

Is there any website which tracks the number of Bitcoin transactions, fees and amounts associated with layer 2 projects (Lightning Network, Liquid, Rootstock)? I am curious about this because if a ...
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3 votes
4 answers

What is the point of "Bitcoin Lightning" and "Bitcoin Liquid"?

Even having been "into" Bitcoin since almost since the start, I constantly find new weird things mentioned which are just apparently taken for granted and exist suddenly and somehow have ...
Balarezo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What opcodes are supported on Liquid but not yet on Bitcoin?

What opcodes are supported in Liquid as of today (September 2021) but not (yet) on Bitcoin? What is the rationale for including these particular opcodes but not others?
Michael Folkson's user avatar
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2 answers

Transaction Fee in Confidential Transactions

Is there any transaction fee for Confidential Transactions in the Liquid Network? In the UTXO model, Alice has 10 btc. She sends 1 btc to Bob, 8.999 btc as return change, and 0.001 as fee. Input : 10 ...
Cisco Mmu's user avatar
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1 answer

How long do transactions on the Liquid Network take to clear?

Transactions on the Liquid sidechain are said to enable much faster transfers than the main Bitcoin blockchain. How fast are the the transfers? Does it still use a blockchain?
Jonathan Cross's user avatar