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should be used for questions related to the nonce used in bitcoin block

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2 answers

How do nonce and difficulty relate?

Good morning, I'm reading about Blockchain technology but I have a couple of questions about the nonce that I cannot find the answers for. I'm hoping someone here will be able to answer them. i) ...
vasimmahmood's user avatar
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Process for finding nonce

Assume we have a transaction in hex (tx_hex) and we want to find a nonce such that SHA-256(SHA-256(nonce|| tx_hex)) = new_transaction_id ('||' denotes concatenation) first bits consist of 32 zeros. ...
Paris's user avatar
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Does every nonce really have an equal chance of winning?

I set out to test the claim: "Every nonce has an equal chance of winning." Time Evolution So, I plotted, with gnuplot, the nonce values vs. hashes for all the valid blocks in the blockchain:(Also, ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Discrepancy Between Nonce for Single Block

I'm looking at nonce data from for block #1 ( ) and it shows a nonce value of 2573394689 ...
David Lynch's user avatar
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Why is the nonce bruteforced from 0 to n while mining?

bitcoin noob here. I was wondering why is the nonce increased from 0 to n while searching for a blockhash? Why not start at some other integer > 0 for example? My background is in ethereum-dev, so ...
SimonSchuler's user avatar
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What is the largest golden nonce found?

With all the stats and metrics out there I was surprised I could not find this out. Has anyone ever determined the highest nonce in a block?
Corbin's user avatar
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Why is it important that the hash algorithm is puzzle friendly?

I don't understand "PUZZLE FRIENDLY". Here the definition I read: A hash function h is puzzle friendly if for every possible N-bit output value y, if K is chosen from a distribution with high ...
user2304458's user avatar
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Why check for multiple nonces despite finding a golden nonce?

I'm still new at trying to understand the entire idea surrounding the mining process. I read the following: When mining, you are given a set of data to perform hashes on. As you noted, this is done ...
rb612's user avatar
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How do I compute a private key, if I have two messages signed using the same nonce? [duplicate]

If I sign two messages with the same private key and nonce, it compromises security, making it possible to calculate the private key. I'm implementing a system (outside of bitcoin) where a message, ...
fadedbee's user avatar
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1 answer

How nonce and diffuculty work?

I struggle to understand one concept behind mining. It would be really great if someone could clarify some things. This is an extract from blockgeeks: From a technical point of view, mining process ...
D-Samp's user avatar
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What is the Coin Base Text of a bitcoin block?

On the site, there is a column Coin Base Text with values like Mined by AntPoolk9 Z4,b or *3Zc/BTC.COM/mm.j΀n~OoBրn*e*@ for example. What does it mean? Is it ...
hardfork's user avatar
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Understanding the Hash Function

Can someone please explain in detail the components of the final hash that determines the winner of the block? My understanding is that the miners are taking The Merkle Root, The time stamp, The ...
Adam Smith's user avatar
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What if is there is no solution to a block?

Please let me know if I understand something wrong. Let's say I want to create a new block and verify previous transactions. To do this, I need to: Choose which transactions I want to include in my ...
JBrouwer's user avatar
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Get input address using VIN txid?

I have written following script to get Vin address from Vin txids. #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests,json url="http://asd:asdf@localhost:2332" payload={} payload = {"jsonrpc":...
Parishilan Rayamajhi's user avatar
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Where is the extraNonce in this coinbase transaction here? The coinbase states this: ...
Kyle Graham's user avatar
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nTime rolling is just an optimization for large/fast pools, correct?

Need to confirm my understanding of nTime rolling... It's used to give the miner more options to mine without needing to request more work from the pool, by incrementing the timestamp. However, given ...
The Shoe Shiner's user avatar
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Steal proof-of-work answer from a miner [duplicate]

Is it possible to steal proof-of-work answer from a miner who has insecure machine? Consider a miner who has insecure machine found correct answer of proof-of-work and an adversary steals this it and ...
Questioner's user avatar
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Who decides what the next, correct Nonce is?

As I understand finding the correct Nonce is the basis when hashing transactions for Proof of Work. How and where is this decided in the ecosystem what the next Nonce is? In my limited understanding ...
david's user avatar
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How is the ExtraNonce calculated in Bitcoin Core

The Extra nonce for the genesis block in bitcoin core is 0x010445, how was this value calculated?
Barney Chambers's user avatar
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Bitcoin (and other crypto-coins) nonce loop

I recently started to pay attention to what's going on at crypto-markets and, being developer for a long time, decided to take a look at the software we have out there in public access. So I have a ...
Alex D's user avatar
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Guessing nonce - nonce pools/domains [duplicate]

Blockchain miners calculate the hash of (block data + nonce value). They actually guess (are looking for) nonce in order to get hash staring with a defined number zeroes. (The number of required ...
sbrbot's user avatar
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When do miners stop waiting for new transactions?

I know my question might sound familiar to the question as follow: When does a miner decide to stop collecting transactions and start calculating hashes to try to win? But actually, the reply marked ...
hoanghs13's user avatar
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3 answers

What happens if everyone discovers much faster way of solving hash function problem (mining)?

The question is not about how bitcoin mining works, but rather how bitcoin system adapts to progress in ability to tackle proof-of-work problems. Suppose that proof-of-work problems used for bitcoin ...
Guest-I's user avatar
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What is the relationship between hash rate and accepted shares?

Specifically this question is about Litecoin, but I suspect the answer would apply to both. Say you have a rig mining at 700Kh/s (LTC). It seems that you get, more or less, a one or a few accepted ...
John's user avatar
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How does a miner know which nonce to start with ?

Pretty straightforward question : When a miner is trying to find a 18-leading-zeros hash, does it always start with a nonce at zero ? I suppose it doesn't, because other miners in the world may have ...
Arthur Attout's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Looking for nonces of even numbers

Each one of bitcoin and its derived crypto-currencies has a nonce value in the block, no matter what the algorithm is. Every miner tries to search for a luck nonce which can make the hash value ...
jclin's user avatar
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How finding a working nonce says anyting about the validity of an initial transaction

I am by no means an expert, nor a cryptographer, but I would be interested in knowning a little bit more than what happens at the end of the following chain of events. What happens at the end of the ...
Stefano Lombardi's user avatar
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4 answers

What value should nonce be when mining bitcoin ?

When the miner program start, the value of nonce is zero or a random number? Which of them is better?
jiahmark's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the nonce in Bitcoin the answer to the puzzle from the previous block?

If, in Bitcoin, the nonce is included in the header of the proposed block, is it the answer to the puzzle from the previous block?
user avatar
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Mining Process - Transactions Selection

I started reading about Bitcoin a few weeks ago. Reading most the information and watching videos on the web, I though I understood about the mining process. However, I was shocked when I realized ...
JRbarros's user avatar
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What's an example of an ExtraNonce2 value that would be considered invalid?

I've been learning about mining as part of a pool and using the Stratum protocol to submit completed work back to a pool -- . There is this ...
Dave's user avatar
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Why change the nonce instead of just rehashing?

Why do miners increase the nonce to compute a block hash rather than just generating a random block hash? It seems to me that both approaches would have the same likeliness of finding a result that ...
Glenn's user avatar
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How is the extra nonce formatted?

I'm trying to understand how a block is put together. From here, I know that the extra nonce used to be in the format: pblock->vtx[0].vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << pblock->nTime <&...
aj_black's user avatar
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Given a block, is there a list of all hashes for all possible 2^32 nonce values?

I am working in a computational research lab, and we're taking a look at Bitcoin. I'm trying to develop a simulation of Bitcoin mining for a nonexistent computer architecture. I want to simulate the ...
James Mishra's user avatar
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What prevents a miner from faking nonce hash

What exactly prevents a miner from presenting a random nonce hash of the block with enough zeroes at the start to get chosen? How is the new hash verified by the other nodes? Since as I understand ...
BlockChange's user avatar
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Finding nonce resulting in more zeros than the target

This might be a wrong question(I am new to understanding bitcoin details). But I want to ask this: What happens if one node finds nonce value that results in way more leading zeros than expected by ...
Be Wake Pandey's user avatar
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Can two different nonces and different blocks produce the same hash?

Say, I want to erase the record of a transaction by changing a block. Can I go back to that block and find a new block and nonce combination that makes the same hash? Is it a case that finding such ...
user1936752's user avatar
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Reason behind hashing the nonce in prevBlockHash?

I understand the role that the nonce plays in the block header for calculating a hash for a valid proof of work. But what I ask is: Do we consider the nonce in the prevBlockHash calculation of the ...
Kostas's user avatar
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How is the mempool incorporated in the calculation of the block hash?

So I've been reading about how the nonce is calculated. There is one part that I don't get. So there is a mempool, and each node (or mining node) takes a part (or the whole part) of that mempool, ...
Mostafa Zamani's user avatar
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bitcoin's PoW, real time of creating one block

i learn that bitcoin is created every 10 minutes and if block is created faster than 10 minutes, Difficulty will increase. and study deeper, mining process is finding nonce that start 0 to increase 1 ...
user10865941's user avatar
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Maximum # of hashes for finding a block?

Since nonce is a 32 bit number, the maximum value of nonce can only be 4,294,967,296. So, if a miner doesn't find the target hash within this number, what happens?
galahad's user avatar
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Where is the nonce incremented in Bitcoin source code?

Where is the nonce incremented in Bitcoin source code? I found where the extra nonce is incremented, but not the regular nonce?
newbie newbie's user avatar
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Explain this comment on nNonce from the bitcoin miner.cpp source?

This comment is in the 0.9.3 miner.cpp bitcoin source, right above the ScanHash_CryptoPP definition. // // ScanHash scans nonces looking for a hash with at least some zero bits. // It operates on ...
morsecoder's user avatar
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Can "Digital Signature of the Block by the Miner" be used in place of "Nonce"?

As it is understood that arriving nonce is very resource intensive, whether "Digital Signature of the Block by the Miner" can be considered in place of "Nonce"? Its Shortcomings, if not suitable.
AVA's user avatar
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Are blocks sent only after finding nonce?

One of the concerns with increasing the block size is that it may get orphaned more often due to network latency in sending the big block. Why can't miners send the block without the nonce as soon as ...
balki's user avatar
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Has the nonce used in mining been sized?

In the mining process, everytime a block has to be confirmed, a certain hash with an incremental nonce is generated: If the nonce is a 32 bit number it can assume a value between 0 and 2^32 - 1. It ...
nglpx1's user avatar
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What values are hashed in the SHA-256 algorithm, and what would be the next iteration until a possible header is found?

I've been doing a lot of reading on mining and software related to mining but I can't quite get my head wrapped around the specific nature of what is being hashed together. So far I feel like the ...
Snarf's user avatar
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Does the nonce have to be a number?

Since we're just trying to produce a specific hash output, couldn't the nonce also include letters or otherwise random bits?
pinhead's user avatar
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Determining a Block's Extranonce Value

How do I determine a block's extranonce value? I know they are in the coinbase transaction, but where? How do I decode the part that is the extranonce?
Geremia's user avatar
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How cooperative or competitive is the mining process?

As each miner works out which nonces it has tried, does it notify the network so that energy isn't wasted on re-processing the same thing by each node? Or is it totally competitive with everyone for ...
Andrew Vit's user avatar