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Questions tagged [seedsigner]

SeedSIgner is a commercial hardware device that can be used to assist in signing multi-signature transactions.

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Zpub vs xpub not matching between seedsigner and sparrow?

Generated a multisig xpub via Seedsigner. Loaded this to sparrow via camera-reading of seedsigner's QR code. Sparrow & Seedsigner fingerprints match, as do derivation paths, but Seedsigner ...
Runeaway3's user avatar
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2 answers

Which hardware wallets require importation of PSBT for knowledge of multisig set up?

My understanding of a multi-vendor multisig is that certain wallets require importation of the resultant multisig wallet's PSBT information in order to sign multisig transactions. Coldcard's ...
Runeaway3's user avatar
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What is the difference between singlesig and multisig xpubs?

When exporting the xpub from my SeedSigner, I'm asked whether to export the "singlesig xpub" or "multisig xpub." I understand the use cases for each but from a technical standpoint,...
Oliver Offing's user avatar