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Unanswered Questions

240 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
0 answers

BTCJam API 500 errors

I am currently trying to set up an application using the BTCJam api. I think the api could be very useful, but I have been unable to get it to work fully, and since support isn't responding, I thought ...
4 votes
1 answer

Do any full-node clients compress blocks?

Does Bitcoin Core or any other full node capable client compress the blocks in transit on the network or locally on the node's filesystem? I used 7z to compress a handful of my locally stored blocks, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Generate addresses from Trezor's xPub using Python

I am trying to generate BIP32 HD addresses from my Trezors xPub key. I keep getting errors with most of the libs our there. What am I missing? pywallet: from pywallet import wallet xpub = '...
3 votes
0 answers

How to calculate the purging low-fee for a node with the default mempool size?

I'm running a full node with a mempool size set to 2 GB. Default mempool size is 300 MB. At the moment (block hight 785,095) the mempool size is around 344 MB. Running rpc command bitcoin-cli ...
3 votes
0 answers

bitcoin TransactionBuilder is not a constructor

I'm trying to send bitcoin with the bitcoinjs-lib library and I get the following error: TypeError: bitcoin.TransactionBuilder is not a constructor at sendmoney (/Users/....../bitcoin.js:53:18) at ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to segregate wallet from bitcoin core | Run multiple wallets in different servers on one centralized bitcoin node

I am running bitcoin full node in a centralized server. I have many web applications running in various places. I want to connect this web applications with centralized full bitcoin node. How to ...
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum Seed Purpose for MultiSig Wallet

I'm curious as to what exactly is protected by the seed that Electrum generates for a multisig wallet. My knowledge of the protocol implementation is rather basic, so please correct me where I'm wrong ...
3 votes
0 answers

bitcoin-cli - "error: couldn't connect to server" [solved as per comment]

I have bitcoind 0.13.1 running on a Raspberry Pi. I can see it on the bitcoin network using but I can't connect to it locally with bitcoin-cli. My bitcoin.conf is: rpcuser=xxx ...
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum via command-line: can generic blockchain info be requested?

For example can I ask the Electrum client via it's API what the height or version of the latest block is? Looking through the docs all I currently see is wallet commands.
2 votes
0 answers

Does BIP86 not use a unique prefix for extended keys?

Do BIP86 extended keys not use a unique prefix? For example: BIP44 = xprv/xpub BIP49 = yprv/ypub BIP84 = zprv/zpub BIP 86 = xprv/xpub? In other words, do BIP86 extended keys share the same ...
2 votes
0 answers

Using BIP32 derivations, can all seeds theoretically produce all public keys?

I was interested in how many possible combinations of BIP 32 derivation paths exist, which could result in a public key derived from a seed. While some people colloquially call it "unlimited,&...
2 votes
0 answers

How to claim funds in a multisig address from a money pool psbt?

Mostly followed this guide on how to create a psbt where multiple users pool money together. Everything is done in regtest. The gist of what I did is as follows: Created 2 different descriptor ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to schedule bandwidth-intensive functions of bitcoind?

Some Internet service providers have different pricing at different hours. Is it possible to limit some functions of bitcoind to specific time ranges? ...especially initial block download (IBD) and/or ...
2 votes
1 answer

Create and spend P2WSH that locks coins with OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY

I'm attempting to create a P2SWH address with a script that locks the coins for some time. And then I want to spend those coins from that address. I've read a lot, some of the most relevant: BIP173 ...
2 votes
0 answers

Importing BIP-84 keys to Bitcoin Core or similar?

I generated a mnemonic and keys using the BIP-84 scheme and sent funds to a public address from that scheme over time. I have been using this as a paper wallet, unattached to any wallet software. I ...

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