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Unanswered Questions

193 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
0 answers

Setting up to create PSBTs using Bitcoin Core from 10 year old non-deterministic wallet

I have an old wallet from 10+ years ago. It was created using an old version of Bitcoin Core before deterministic wallets were a thing. I have it now on an offline computer that has Bitcoin Core 21.0....
4 votes
1 answer

Generate addresses from Trezor's xPub using Python

I am trying to generate BIP32 HD addresses from my Trezors xPub key. I keep getting errors with most of the libs our there. What am I missing? pywallet: from pywallet import wallet xpub = '...
3 votes
0 answers

How to force close a channel at the original state, for a good cause

A few months ago I created a payment channel from my desktop node, on LND, to my mobile node, on Blixt. Then I tested a few payments between the nodes, and the final balance on the mobile phone is now ...
3 votes
1 answer

Partial private key recovery

I had the pleasure of setting up a Bitcoin wallet using the Blue Wallet app and diligently noted down the 52 characters of my private key on a piece of paper for backup purposes. Upon revisiting the ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is the difference between singlesig and multisig xpubs?

When exporting the xpub from my SeedSigner, I'm asked whether to export the "singlesig xpub" or "multisig xpub." I understand the use cases for each but from a technical standpoint,...
3 votes
0 answers

Derivation path for brute forcing "25th word" on a multisig wallet

So I added a 25th word to my seed, forgot it, and am (after 6 months of on and off guessing) relegated to brute force (3rdIteration/btcrecover). Succinct question: what derivation path should I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum Seed Purpose for MultiSig Wallet

I'm curious as to what exactly is protected by the seed that Electrum generates for a multisig wallet. My knowledge of the protocol implementation is rather basic, so please correct me where I'm wrong ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is the best way to restore an old Multibit wallet to the new version (and also different OS)?

My files from Feb 2014 (on a dusty old usb) are as follows, all in a directory called MultiBit. directories: multibit.log (containing a log file) multibit-data, containing four backup directories ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to generate btc addresses from XPUB?

I have an xpub key and I'd like to generate the sequence of btc addresses in PHP based on the index. Is there a way to do that?
2 votes
0 answers

Recovering an old wallet created using dice rolls

Years ago in 2016 I created a wallet to pay off some hackers that hacked a friend's PC. There was some small change left, most of which I sold, but I think there's still some BTC there that might be ...
2 votes
0 answers

Using BIP32 derivations, can all seeds theoretically produce all public keys?

I was interested in how many possible combinations of BIP 32 derivation paths exist, which could result in a public key derived from a seed. While some people colloquially call it "unlimited,&...
2 votes
1 answer

What format is this wallet stored in?

Background Some years ago (2017) I must have found a way to 'serialise' my wallet, because I stored the following in my password manager: Name: "Bitcoin wallet" Password: (typical generated ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to claim funds in a multisig address from a money pool psbt?

Mostly followed this guide on how to create a psbt where multiple users pool money together. Everything is done in regtest. The gist of what I did is as follows: Created 2 different descriptor ...
2 votes
1 answer

Stuck in the middle between unconfirmed transaction and empty wallet

I initially set a low fee to one transaction, trying to cancel the transaction I runned bit coin core with -zapwallettxes and all transactions in bit coin core disappeared. I still can see the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Receiving funds in multisig - is it enough to confirm the receive address on every signing device?

If I confirm the receive address displayed in my software wallet matches on EVERY signing device in my multisig setup, can I be confident that any funds sent to that address belong to an address I ...

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