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Unanswered Questions

427 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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ZMQ hashblock doesn't work

I'm running a full node, bitcoind .. -zmqpubhashblock=tcp:// -zmqpubrawtx=tcp:// rawtx events work great, but not getting any hashblock ones. Node is fully synced, I can see ...
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0 answers

Rolling forward [hash-of-the-block]

can somebody explain me what's the meaning of a Rolling forward after a reindex of the chain in the log of bitcoind? Thanks in advance
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0 answers

How can I change the bitcoin core version within an already installed blockchain?

I want to change the version in the corresponding directory with git tag and git checkout vx.y.z. But when I type git tag there's no output. How can I change the version without installing the ...
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0 answers

What do I tell my company IT dept so they allow my bitcoin core container to connect to other nodes

I work for a corporation therefore work behind a corporate firewall. I login to their vpn then I access company resources like mails, IMs etc. As a internal team project, I'm trying to setup a btc ...
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0 answers

Pruned Bitcoind Backend for LND with txindex enabled for version > v0.13.0

I'm looking to prune a bitcoind node that will be used by LND. From the LND commit recently by Kixunil. Note ...
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0 answers

How to compute deposits from the output of listsinceblock?

I am writing a program that, given the JSON outputs from multiple separate RPC calls to listsinceblock, stores valid deposit transactions in a database and then computes the total deposit for every ...
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0 answers

How to accelerate mempool data access with bitcoind

What could I do to accelerate access to the data I get when I call for example: bitcoin-cli getblocktemplate ? If I would like to be able to be the fisrt one who get information about all the new tx ...
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1 answer

How to build coinbase transaction from bitcoin core?

I am coding a program that connects to bitcoin-qt as local server. For building the blockheader i need the merkleroot, to build the merkle root, i need the coinbase transaction (which is not provided ...
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0 answers

what is fee_estimates.dat data format?

I'm trying to parse the file fee_estimates.dat. What is the format of the binary data inside fee_estimates.dat ? I didn't find any information about it in the dev documentation of Bitcoin. This is ...
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1 answer

Fully synced bitcoind 0.18.1 on RPI4 using 100% cpu ( 1 core only ) , is it normal?

I started playing with bitcoind 0.18.1 on a RPI4 and i can see that even when fully synced it is still using 100% cpu so one full core. Is this normal / expected ? Looking at the threads is the ...
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0 answers

spend founds from p2wsh address,non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation) (code 64)

i want spent coin from p2wsh address on btc testnet3 network, i use bitcoinj 0.15.2 build transaction and sign it, use 2/3 multiSig when i send raw transaction by bitcoin core 0.17.0 command line by ...
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0 answers

Using bitcoind RPC to identify an incoming transaction that has been replaced using BIP125 Replace-By-Fee

In the context of running a web service that accepts payments in Bitcoin, how can we use bitcoind to identify a transaction that has been replaced using BIP125 Replace-By-Fee? When RBF is used, a new ...
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0 answers

How to get multiple connections to the same node

I'm playing around with connecting my node to another one of my nodes to see how many incoming connections I can handle. Whenever I add node A from node B with bitcoin-cli addnode add after ...
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0 answers

Bitcoind zmqpubrawtx notification - Filter out mempool transactions

Bitcoind's zmqpubrawtx seems to notify the subscriber of any transactions that have been accepted to the mempool or included in a block. Is there any easy way to filter out the mined transactions so ...
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1 answer

LoadBlockIndexDB: transaction index disabled

I'm trying to run bitcoind on a Raspberry Pi 3 but I'm stuck on an error. The raspberry has a Hdd for storage with a fully indexed blockchain that was synced on my laptop and than copied to the Hdd (...

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