I sync'd a Bitcoin node with Bitcoin Core Qt GUI. Hundreds of GB, naturally.
I realized I needed txindex on for Lightning node stuff, so I changed the configuration file via the GUI to include txindex=1
. I launched it on my Mac and then slapped myself in the face—how would I tell it to reindex instead of throwing away my database?? Didn't wanna download all those GB again.
But then I noticed debug.log started saying this:
2020-11-30T06:07:43Z Syncing txindex with block chain from height 498564
2020-11-30T06:08:28Z Syncing txindex with block chain from height 500148
which, if I remember right means it's doing a reindex, not a full-blown restart of a sync. Checked on disk, and indeed, files still there.
I'm grateful, but also mystified. Questions:
- Does Bitcoin Core see when you're about to throw away a full sync with
and then inject a-reindex
into the start command? - How can I see the startup command that
uses when I start with with the Mac OSX launcher?