I am trying to transfer my BTC to another wallet and it is saying my passphrase is incorrect when I know it is not and use this password for a few things. Any ideas to get around this?

1 Answer 1


Any ideas to get around this?

  • Check the computer for viruses.
  • Disconnect the computer from the network
  • Type the password/passphrase into Notepad (etc) where you can see it, then cut&paste into the wallet prompt.
  • Restore the wallet from one of your recent backups and retry.
  • Restore the wallet from one of your older backups and retry.
  • Restore the wallet from one of your offsite backups and retry.
  • Fetch one of your written notes of the private key from the safety-deposit box at the bank or from your floor-safe, use it to re-create the wallet and then create a new password.

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