I'd like to run a signet Lightning routing node with ~100 percent uptime. Until now I've just spun one up and shut it down but if a reliable signet Lightning Network is going to be a thing we need persistent, reliable signet Lightning nodes. So a bunch of questions (and any additional guidance would be welcome).
- How do I obtain some signet coins?
- How do I identify signet Lightning nodes that are also aiming for ~100 percent uptime?
- Are there any publicly advertised signet Lightning nodes with large numbers of channels, large channel capacities that I should connect to first?
- Are there any Lightning explorers that support signet?
- How much would it cost (rough estimates per month) to run a signet Lightning node on a cloud provider (Digital Ocean etc) and allow anyone to connect and open channels with my node?
I know some of the answers to these questions will over time become outdated but at least it will be a starting point for someone who wants to do similar.