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Custom signet without importprivkey

To deploy a custom signet miner the instructions at rely on the deprecated importprivkey rpc method. Is there an alternative approach so that the private key can be ...
sipsorcery's user avatar
0 votes
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Why are Bitcoin signet test coins so difficult to obtain?

Recently there have been a number of tests for the potential staking of Bitcoin. The test require participants to stake Signet coins which are test coins delivered from faucets. These faucets never ...
Jake Stanton's user avatar
3 votes
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Signet mobile phone wallet

I have been using Testnet with bitcoin core and mobile wallets from Bitpay and copay using a testnet wallet. Testnet is currently broken, and I need an alternative. I have discovered Signet, and ...
belka's user avatar
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How do I set up my own custom signet?

Configuration: a Windows machine on a local WiFi network. For classroom purposes I would like to have a custom Signet network so students can get used with Bitcoin Core and Send/Receive. This is the ...
Bart DV's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How can I get Signet coins?

We had several requests for Signet coins (on Signet, the default signet¹) in the past week. This question is meant as a lightning rod to answer how to go about and where to direct a request for signet ...
Murch's user avatar
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Where can I find a testnet or signet explorer?

We have several questions that boil down to "where can I find a testnet explorer?". Unfortunately, most of the answers on those questions are outdated. I’ve started this community wiki to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can you help me get started running a signet Lightning routing node with intended 100 percent uptime?

I'd like to run a signet Lightning routing node with ~100 percent uptime. Until now I've just spun one up and shut it down but if a reliable signet Lightning Network is going to be a thing we need ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't signet use a unique bech32 prefix?

I noticed that signet and testnet both use tb1 addresses. Why doesn't signet use a unique prefix that distinguishes it from testnet?
Casey Rodarmor's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the history on how previous soft forks were tested prior to being considered for activation?

How were previous soft forks tested prior to being considered for activation? Were they added to the default testnet? Was a custom testnet setup with the soft fork functionality available on that ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

signet network Error: CreateBaseChainParams: Unknown chain sig

What does this mean? I'm trying to work with signet to review some prs and I'm getting a fair amount of errors.
Kaizen's user avatar
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Running a local testnet

a newbie bitcoin researcher here. For my first work I need a local bitcoin network on which I have as much control as possible. I have a windows machine. For example - I need to control the number of ...
michaell_co's user avatar
2 votes
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Peer discovery on a custom signet (custom `signetchallenge`)

I'm experimenting with signet by creating a custom network with a script of my own to validate blocks (signetchallenge in the conf file). I started a mini network with only a handful nodes for now, ...
Sosthène's user avatar
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Could someone share with me some documentations or sites on how to set up a custom signet using bitcoin core?

Recently I am going to use bitcoin core to set up a custom signet on my docker. I have read some implementations on wiki, but I had some problems when starting up a custom signet. One of the problem ...
Harry's user avatar
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On signet of bitcoin core, why didn't the average time between blocks I mined accord with the time I set?

I'm new here. I met some problem when I use signet on bitcoin core in docker container. I used this command to work out the nbits value to set the average mining time which is 60s. python3.8 miner --...
Harry's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to setup signet with bitcoin core locally

I am trying to run a signet network locally using bitcoin core. I have downloaded bitcoin core and upon installation, it seems I have to go through the Initial Block Download process. I am only ...
Chidi Nkwocha's user avatar
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Submitblock error: bad-signet-blksig

I try to submit the block, what I mined, but it is not accepted. Also, I could not find the solution by searching the similar questions. Setup: Centos 8 Linux, Qt programing and /bitcoincore/bitcoin-...
PTeller's user avatar
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How should I go about allowing specific miners to submit to the network?

I have forked bitcoin, and I want to only allow mining submissions from specific public keys (I can verify the signature). Where would the best place to look in the bitcoin source? Would it be best to ...
Kladskull's user avatar
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Where can I find taproot spend examples on testnet/signet?

I am in the middle of writing some Taproot libraries and would like some testnet/signet p2tr spends. Is there an easy way to find them? Most explorers don't have any filters like that. Even a list of ...
Jimmy Song's user avatar
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What is the BOLT 10 realm byte for testnet and signet DNS node discovery?

BOLT 10 describes a node discovery mechanism based on DNS. The query semantics include a realm byte that is 0 by default (Bitcoin). What is the realm byte for testnet and signet? This question was ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes
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Should you be able to run a mainnet c-lightning node in parallel with a signet c-lightning node? What about an alternative Lightning implementation?

Running mainnet, testnet and signet Bitcoin Core full nodes on the same machine/same VM works fine. Is running say a c-lightning mainnet node in parallel with a c-lightning signet node on the same ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
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How to mine continuously in segtest with version bitcoin-0.20?

I am just learning the bitcoin codes for version bitcoin-0.20 and I make it successfully. Additionally, I have only one PC. I want to mine continuously in segtsest, however I only found methods below: ...
jiebang's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I spend from a P2TR address on Signet with the Bitcoin Core wallet in 22.0?

Apparently (credit 0xB10C) there are only 20 key-path and 5 script-path spends of P2TR outputs on the Signet blockchain today (July 7th 2021). How can I increase this number today with say the Bitcoin ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes
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Why i can still use the 'generatetoaddress' RPC with custom signet?

I have set up my custom signet, with my own challenge. I expected to fail to generate blocks using the 'generatetoaddress' API before importing the private key related to the challenge script in the ...
JonSnow's user avatar
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Error generate new block with signet test

I have tried to test signet to generate new block but it is showed message as below: bicoin-cli -signet -generate 1 ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: AcceptBlock FAILED (bad-signet-blksig, signet block ...
Dam Yi's user avatar
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I generated a Signet address on a Bitcoin Core PR branch and obtained some Signet from the faucet. How can I locate that private key?

I previously (months ago) generated a Signet address on a Bitcoin Core PR branch and obtained some Signet from the faucet to that address. How can I locate that private key in my file system if I know ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you break down what data is encoded into a bech32 address?

Can you break down what data is encoded into a bech32 address? e.g. bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t4 How do bech32 addresses on testnet, regtest, signet compare?
Michael Folkson's user avatar
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What is stopping a Taproot spend following old Taproot rules (initially treated as anyone-can-spend) pre-activation creating a re-org post activation?

This question is similar to this Signet question on Signet nodes enforcing different Taproot rules (old and new) pre mainnet activation. Instead it is regarding how a valid Taproot spend on mainnet ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
0 votes
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Sending regtest Bitcoin fails with an error message. How do I resolve this error? [duplicate]

When I try to send regtest Bitcoin using bitcoin-cli: ./bitcoin-cli -regtest sendtoaddress bc1q09vm5lfy0j5reeulh4x5752q25uqqvz34hufdl 0.1 I get the error message: error code: -6 error message: Fee ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
1 vote
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Change difficulty using bitcoin-cli/bitcoind in regtest mode

Is there an RPC command which would allow me to generate blocks under a given difficulty? For instance, I would like to do something like this: bitcoind -daemon -regtest bitcoin-cli -regtest ...
Tristan Nemoz's user avatar
2 votes
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Can we experiment on Signet with multiple proposed soft forks whilst maintaining the ability of full nodes to validate the Signet chain?

One of the goals of Signet is to test proposed soft forks before they are activated on mainnet. Not only does this mean proposed soft forks such as Taproot that at the time of writing (August 2020) ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
6 votes
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Will there be a testnet4? Or do we not need a testnet reset once we have Signet?

The last testnet reset was for the current testnet3 back in 2012 (not including segnet which was a testnet for SegWit before SegWit was activated on mainnet). Are we due another testnet reset? Or is ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I get set up on Signet?

I have heard about Signet here and here. How do I get set up on Signet?
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

When using bitcoin-cli I get an error regarding fallback fees when trying to send regtest Bitcoin. How do I resolve this?

I have been doing an assignment on Bitcoin Core 0.20. Now every time I try to do a transaction: Apples-iMac:bitcoin apple$ bitcoin-cli -regtest sendtoaddress ...
Deep's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

What are the key differences between regtest and the proposed signet?

What are the key differences between regtest and the proposed signet? One of the key differences is that using regtest is not ideal for public networks as anyone anywhere can just rewrite the ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is there a sandbox in bitcoin for testing?

Is there a sandbox in Bitcoin for testing, so that I can create sample bitcoins without mining and do transactions for testing purposes?
suhailvs's user avatar
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