So, I've been trying to get Inbound Connections on my node, to no success.
I've got an UmbrelOS 1.1 installed on a RPi5. It's Bitcoin Node app is already set to allow Incoming Connections. I also went into my router, added exceptions to the internal network's DHCP to the RPi5's MAC, and forwarded both IPv4 AND IPv6 TCP 8333 ports to my fixed RPi5 IP. I also made sure that there were no Firewalls on my RPi5's Umbrel, not even UFW or something like that. I restarted both my Node and router.
The problem is that, even doing all this, when I check, it says that my IP still has it's port unreachable.
One thing I noticed is that the external IPv4 address my router indicates to be mine, is different from the one announced in This got me wondering if this is some kind of CGNAT problem. If it is: what can I do to solve it?
Thanks a lot.