I am new in bitcoin. I started research about bitcoin(Couple of days ago) for my project.I setup bitcoin node on my linux server and it is fully synchronized. here is my bitcoin.conf
alertnotify=php \var\www\html\alert.php %s
blocknotify=php \var\www\html\block.php %s
walletnotify=php \var\www\html\wallet.php %s
Case 1: I created address using getnewaddress
[account_name] then I sent some BTC from other wallet and I can get wallet notification.
Case 2: I created address using addmultisigaddress
command then I sent some BTC from other wallet and I can get wallet notification.
Case 3 : I have created multisig address using createmultisig
command. And I sent some BTC from other wallet (Check transaction status ). That transaction have enough confirmation But I can not get wallet notification.
Why i can not getting wallet notification of multisig address (Case 3)?
addmultisigaddress command will save redeemScript and attache it to that address. this is work for me and I can get notification.
So here i also want to know how secure is my multisig address if i create it using addmultisigaddress
command? Suppose my server hacked, Attacker easily get redeemscript(using validateaddress command) and also can get sign address associate with it and privet key of that addresses. My BTC can be easly Theft.
Please suggest me the best way to create multisig address or answer me why I am not getting wallet notification of multisig address and what is alternative solution?
Info: I want to develop BTC wallet website where my user can create BTC address and can send and receive BTC. I want to create multisig address for every user. What is best way to create multisig address for them? any security advice welcome.
I searched lots of about this multsig address but I can't get any idea how to implement it (Multisig address using createmultisig
command) in my project and wonder how other how other website support multisig address and handle it? Are they using addmultisigaddress
command ? If yes then how secure is that account ?
if I can't get wallet notification then how can I credit or debit BTC from my user account (In my project).
Thank you in advance.