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Questions tagged [bip347-op-cat]

BIP 347 proposes adding OP_CAT in Tapscript. OP_CAT pops the two top stack elements, concatenates them, and pushes the result back on the stack.

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How does a 0-conf signature bond work?

Today in the on-going OP_CAT debate, proponents claim that OP_CAT enables an opt-in mechanism that produces 0-conf transactions that cannot be doublespent without leaking the private key. How does ...
Murch's user avatar
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How does the addition of OP_CAT improve Lightning?

In a debate about OP_CAT, it was claimed without further evidence that the addition of the OP_CAT opcode would "improve Lightning". Could you expound how OP_CAT would improve lightning?
Murch's user avatar
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What does `OP_CHECKSEPARATESIG` refer to?

I was reading about potential OP_CAT applications and read about OP_CHECKSEPARATESIG. This seems to refer to some shorthand, as I am not aware of an opcode by that designation. What is ...
Murch's user avatar
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How can OP_CAT be used to implement additional covenants?

OP_CAT takes the top 2 stack items, concatenates them and pushes the result to the stack. How can this be used to add new restrictions how a UTXO can be spent? (Beyond the existing signature and time ...
Brandon - Rearden's user avatar
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What is the OP_CAT proposal?

What does the proposed OP_CAT opcode do? What is the history of the OP_CAT opcode?
Murch's user avatar
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Is it possible to build an Automated Market Maker with OP_CAT?

OP_CAT (BIP 347) would be a fairly simple code change, but advocates have been abuzz with creative ideas what could be built if OP_CAT were introduced. One concern that comes up in the context is ...
Murch's user avatar
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Consensus Question

With all the recent developments of the spammers and those who want to filter them. I have a few things I don't get. They mention the bug that wasn't fixed (CVE-2023-50428). As I understand, this &...
user151596's user avatar
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Ways of emulating OP_CAT

I understand that it's possible to emulate concatenation for up to 32 bits by calculating: x || y = x + (y << len(x)), where the left shift (L_SHIFT) can be performed through multiple ...
msinkec's user avatar
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