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Questions tagged [cryptography]

Concerning the broad subject of cryptography and its narrow application in Bitcoin protocol and applications.

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Would it be possible for an 8-bit microprocessor to create a bitcoin keypair?

Context for question: With the latest security breaches around modern CPU's (Spectre / Meltdown) I was wondering if we could generate ECDSA keypairs on cheap, small and/or simple air gapped (micro)...
Mr Jones's user avatar
  • 548
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3 answers

Public key cryptography question - Is Private or Public key used to sign? Confusion between which key is used to sign and which is used to encrypt

I am relatively new to cryptography and blockchain and am learning about how public key cryptography works, and its application in Bitcoin's environment. I read two different articles , the 1st which ...
DCH's user avatar
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3 answers

Practical application of Electrum's Encrypt/Decrypt message feature?

It's pretty clear how signing a message with a Bitcoin key can be useful in proving ownership of funds. However, it's far from clear how encrypting a message with a Bitcoin key can do anything useful....
Rich Apodaca's user avatar
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1 answer

SECP256K1 Minimum Value for Private Key

I've been looking into Elliptic Curve Cryptography, in particular the SECP256K1 spec which is used in Bitcoin and Ethereum. So I understand that the Generator point G is fixed based on the spec and ...
Malapeno's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is it impossible to modify a transaction in the blockchain?

Many pages (including Wikipedia) say that it is impossible to modify a transaction which is already in the blockchain included. But why is it so difficult?
watchme's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

BIP32 recommends a 256 bit seed. Why do most Bitcoin wallets only use a 128 bit seed?

According to BIP32's "Master key generation" section, "256 bits is advised". See Why did BIP32 consider 256 bits ...
knaccc's user avatar
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1 answer

Cryptocurrency Exchange Technical architecture? How to build it? (Developer Point of View) [closed]

I'm a softawre developer & newly involved in Blockchain Technology. I need information about How Cryptocurrency Exchange Technically work? i.e Buy ETH using BTC or exchanging any coin with ...
Vishal Dalve's user avatar
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Ed25519 Successor to ECDSA in Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is currently using the secp256k1 curve. Understand that Ed25519 is technically superior -- i.e., offers better security than ECDSA and DSA, speed and most importantly, I think, resistance ...
Nathan Aw's user avatar
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How can I create uncompressed public key in C++?

I need to derive public key from my private key in uncompressed form. I know how to create compressed one with libbitcoin, but I can't find appropriate method for uncompressed form there. Are there ...
30mb1's user avatar
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what is a discrete logarithmic assumption? how does it set-up trustless proofs?

pending proposal of bulletproofs as a zk proof for confidential transactions relies on fiat-shamir heuristic to be non-interactive via creating a digital signature on interactive proof of knowledge ...
zenonzoomzoomzoom's user avatar
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How do I calculate the expected shares per minute for my pool [closed]

I am currently mining Zencash in a pool, and I'd like to be able to calculate the expected shares per minute for a given pool's hashrate. Let's say the pool's hashrate is 50 KSol/s. I think that the ...
user14241's user avatar
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Needed maths for full understanding

I often come across papers written in the Bitcoin space involving some math that I am not formally versed in. Could anyone point out general topics in math that I should have a formal grasp on in ...
jojeyh's user avatar
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While creating new crypto using fork need to generate smart contract? [closed]

I have 2 questions for creating nee crypto currency using fork. 1.) I have created one new crypto coin which is called mindcoin, now should i generate smart contract for deployment my currency in ...
kiran malvi's user avatar
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hello, need some help [duplicate]

Who is responsible for ensuring that the bitcoin protocol is not violated in the network? 1. The market forces behind the supply and demand of bitcoin 2. Miners 3. Consensus of the miners ...
Codke's user avatar
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How important is the hash power in solving a block?

What is the role of hash power in solving a black, I have read at numerous place it's more like a lottery to successfully form a block in bitcoin and any such crypto blockchain currencies. Is it ...
GoodtheBest's user avatar
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Solving a Block with more than one miner connected to same daemon

Well excuse me in advance if my question sounds funny. But I'm just curious perhaps someone can shed a light. When in a pool of miners, let's say there are 100 miners connected to a single daemon ...
GoodtheBest's user avatar
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Can a cryptocurrency be liquid while it is in its pre-sale, or even ICO [closed]

I am planning to run a Coin's ICO for several years, not interested in the gains to be made from selling out ICO in 3 days NO, but interested in using the COin to end Global Poverty as i deem fit. So ...
Amos S. Omotade-Sparks's user avatar
2 votes
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cryptography book or resource

I am trying to write a multiple currency hd wallet. I am using javascript libraries but I feel unsafe as I am new to most cryptography concepts and terms like elliptic curve, seeds, entropy etc. I ...
Cem Karay's user avatar
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Do mining pools eliminate the need to store blockchain?

Suppose I want to design generic crypto currency miner starting from scratch . By generic I mean it can be configured to support a large number of available crypto currencies. This generic miner must ...
user61766's user avatar
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What part that control coin's total supply and give initial coins to specific wallet?

As title, Max coins supply. From github's bitcoin source, where is line or function that define coin's total supply? Like bitcoin's case, 21,000,000. I found that amount.h file has above number, ...
creator's user avatar
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Implementing NiPoPoW algorithm

Hello, We, a small team, have implemented about 95% of a breakthrough scientific proposal that is describing the NiPoPoW Non-Interactive Proofs of Proof-of-Work. You can find our source code ...
Silviu's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to increase payment process speed of crypto currency? [closed]

I want to make own coin. I have marketing cooperation team. I am main developer. [Questions] 1 Making coin with pow and qr-code transaction function is possible for one man developer? Me, know C# ...
creator's user avatar
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C#, How can I actively query the crypto-market?

Are there any wrappers to get the real-time crypto-currency value similar to Right now I am using Json to deserialize a download string from CoinMarketCap, however, the api does not ...
herboren's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Payments without private key/address in wallet [OWN COIN]

currently I am creating/sharing an own crypto currency. Details about it are that it is a Scrypt Coin with Proof-Of-Work. But that's not really the question. I will build a website around the coin ...
dkb's user avatar
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Teslacoin sync error - No Suitable Inputs Found

Not sure this is the right forum for this, but I thought I'd ask out of desperation. I have the following error when trying to sync my teslacoin wallet. I managed to sunc about 6 weeks ago, however ...
Norrin Rad's user avatar
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Use of proof of work in bitcoin

I am trying to understand what problem in bitcoin proof of work solves and came to this somewhat helpful quote: So, for instance, if a miner controls one percent of the computing power being used ...
george's user avatar
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24 Hour price change Mean

If a currency price is showing ABC per coin and its price % is +X% or -X% then this reference is taken from which last price i.e. which point of time the price is taken
Adil's user avatar
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cryptocurrency tax question

I have a buddy who I sent money to to buy a certain amount of Ripple. For one reason or another, I couldn't do this on my own at the time. In any case, the currency has tripled and I want him to send ...
tyty's user avatar
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Block chain and its uses cases for a non-financial asset market

So i have been reading a lot about block chain technology and its use cases in the finance and cryptocurrecncy markets. One thing that guarantees blockchain's success in the cryptocurrency market is ...
Muhammad Hamza Hanif's user avatar
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What means "messege" in the bitcoin blockchain? [elliptic curve cryptography]

I am stuck with one question in my research. I found some mentions that bitcoin(or blockchain) is a messeging system, I played with couple curve encoding algorithms and it was like: Curve params, ...
B1tco1nNewb1e's user avatar
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Would writing one's own cryptocurrency in a language other than C/C++ be stupid?

I'm curious from a performance perspective if writing a cryptocurrency from the ground up in a language other than C/C++ be stupid? For example, if I wanted to write a cryptocurrency and protocol in ...
Ben B's user avatar
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Does 'Mixing' in bitcoins really add up protection to my bitcoins?

I was researching on simple ways to protect bitcoins without using unknown/untrusted software or solutions. It took my attention to 'Mixing' in the bitcoins with a friend's bitcoins and transfer back ...
SajithP's user avatar
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What is the Coin Base Text of a bitcoin block?

On the site, there is a column Coin Base Text with values like Mined by AntPoolk9 Z4,b or *3Zc/BTC.COM/mm.j΀n~OoBրn*e*@ for example. What does it mean? Is it ...
hardfork's user avatar
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Verifying that a transaction is in the blockchain

Let me first start off by saying im just learning about blockchain and the technical aspects. From my understanding, each transaction is cryptographically hashed, the hashes are paired and hashed ...
sju's user avatar
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What happens if everyone discovers much faster way of solving hash function problem (mining)?

The question is not about how bitcoin mining works, but rather how bitcoin system adapts to progress in ability to tackle proof-of-work problems. Suppose that proof-of-work problems used for bitcoin ...
Guest-I's user avatar
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Tether on Bitcoin Blockchain

USD Tether is running on the Bitcoin Blockchain right? Is it like a 2nd layer solution or how does that work?
Jöge H's user avatar
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How does generate the wallet ID's?

I was wondering how determines what the wallet ID(entifier) of a certain set of adresses ( wallet ) is. There seems to be no preset like the case with adresses (eg, they all start ...
Jan Janssen's user avatar
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How would Bitcoin’s cryptography change?

Let’s say, that 20 years ahead, Bitcoin’s crypto is not considered secure anymore. More precisely, the key length is too short for it to be safe, be it the hash functions or public key cryptography. ...
Fischa7's user avatar
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How proof of work prevents double spend

One article I am reading said that proof of work system is used in Bitcoin to prevent double spending. More particularly: Imagine we are protecting against double spending in following way. When Bob ...
user avatar
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is it possible to replace the cryptography and public key algorithms in Bitcoin?

Is it possible to replace the cryptographic algorithms used in Bitcoin, such as the hash algorithms and the elliptic curve public key cryptography? Does this require a soft fork or a hard fork?
picolo's user avatar
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Why is only the block header SHA256-hashed and not the whole block?

I read in many places that mining involves finding nonce such that SHA256(SHA256 (blockheader_including_nonce)) meets a specific criteria (0 bits...). Why is this hashing done only on the < 100 ...
Basj's user avatar
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How to prove bitcoin ownership without revealing amount?

Is it possible to use some cryptographic scheme to prove bitcoin ownership without revealing any information about value held in addresses?
rny's user avatar
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Cryptographic problem - locks [closed]

Three players, Bob, Alice and Ted are seated at a poker-table and are  playing a game of Texas Hold’em. Bob is the dealer, and he generates a deck of 52 cards on his machine, only he can view the ...
Ini's user avatar
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Is it possible to use something besides sheer computational power as the limiting factor on block release?

Why hasn’t anyone tried to create a blockchain that, rather than using computational capacity as the hash scarcity test, just has a direct limit on how many times a particular wallet can make a guess ...
Alex Morris's user avatar
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Mycelium Backup Restore

Is there a way I can restore my mycelium Bitcoin wallet if I have forgotten the 12-word list? I have searched everywhere and no one describes a situation like this.
axelmukwena's user avatar
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Private key and Address

Private key is 32-byte number. Address (Hash) is 20-byte number. Is it true that there is many Private keys that have the same 20-byte hash? P.S. How to get Address from Private key: Private key (...
Denis Leonov's user avatar
3 votes
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Do all Cryptocurrencies uses same Public key Cryptography algorithm?

I have been trying to read about how Public key cryptography works and I have just understand what public key cryptography is and how it differs from symmetric key cryptography. I have also just read ...
Bitcoin123's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a point on the secp256k1 curve for any given X coordinate?

There function in libsecp256k1 that allows you to directly set the field element to 32 bytes of your choice. Does secp256k1 always return a valid group element for any 32 byte value? ...
Penquin's user avatar
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Bitfinex API -> retrieve funding earnings for custom period

I am trying to retrieve my funding profit of the previous day via the Bitfinex API. But all I find is this API which only returns the profit of the last 30 days summed up (funding_profit_30d): https:...
jan's user avatar
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Is it possible for a currency to give coins pub/prvt keys instead?

So the idea is you would have coins and non-coins. A coin is something you could be in possession of but can only prove it by signing messages. If you wanted to transfer it to somebody you would send ...
Alanay's user avatar
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