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Questions tagged [transaction-propagation]

Questions about the manner, speed and incentives of relaying transactions in the Bitcoin network.

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is the difference between Compact Blocks, Thin Blocks, Xthin and Graphene Compression?

What is the difference between these block propagation techniques in terms of size / bandwidth & computation requirements and also compatibility & reliability? All the above techniques try to ...
janowitz's user avatar
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Clarification about the decision to only allow outgoing connections flooding in erlay

I was reading the BIP-330 and saw that only the outgoing connections are low-fanout flooded. A major idea is that we want that much of the nodes get the transaction in the first cycle itself, but ...
Prabhat Verma's user avatar
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boost propagation speed

Is there a way to boost propagation? E.g if someone sent me an amount, he says that he sees the txid in blockchain because he is connected to faster nodes, and I search this txid and I see it doesn't ...
Tomer Barak's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are there minimums for output values and transaction fees in Bitcoin?

The article "The Bitcoin Lightning Network Summary" by mentions: "Lightning enables one to send funds down to 0.00000001 bitcoin without custodial risk. The bitcoin blockchain ...
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