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bitcoind is the command-line software for Bitcoin Core. It stands for "Bitcoin Daemon" where a daemon is any computer process which runs in the background ("service" in Windows terminology).

27 votes

What is the use case of bitcoind ZeroMQ?

ZeroMQ is a publisher / subscriber messaging system. In the case of Bitcoin Core it is a socket which other applications can connect to and get notifications of new events in real time, without having …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
11 votes

Is there a way to only sync up to a certain block?

bitcoind supports the argument -stopatheight, which takes the number of blocks to download before halting. …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
11 votes

Possible to speed up reindex?

reindex doesn't also re-validate blocks, does it? It does, but signature verification (the slowest bit) is skipped on most of the early blockchain. The command attempts to sync with the network b …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
10 votes

How to get unspents for a specified bitcoin address?

listunspent only displays information about addresses which are currently part of your wallet. Bitcoin Core does not maintain indexes of unspent outputs for addresses you do not own, and will simply r …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
9 votes

How do I prevent Bitcoin from synchronizing?

bitcoin-cli invalidateblock `bitcoin-cli getbestblockhash` or bitcoind -maxconnections=0 …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
8 votes

bitcoind: How to find the block from a TXID?

You need to run your node with txindex=1 in the configuration in order to create one, and changing the option on an existing node requires you do do a bitcoind -reindex. …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
7 votes

Why is my transaction immature?

Block rewards (coinbase outputs) can't be spent for 100 blocks. This is called "maturity" in the codebase and is to protect some behavior around reorganizations.
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
6 votes

Monitor bitcoind node traffic?

The RPC interface has a command getpeerinfo which will give a breakdown of upload and download metrics per connected peer. { .. "bytessent": 67619177, "bytesrecv": 47229533, …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
5 votes

which transactions does bitcoind validate?

1, 2 and 3. Transactions that arrive through inventory announcements on the network are validated completely by checking the form of the transaction for sanity, executing the script, checking signat …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
5 votes

Does an OP_RETURN script always need another output within the transaction?

If you want to retain any change, yes you will need two outputs to return unspent Bitcoin to yourself. If you are spending for example a 0.0001 BTC output, 0.0001 to fees, then a single 0 BTC OP_RETUR …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
5 votes

Ubuntu - Show active connections?

bitcoin-cli getinfo will show the number of connections. bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo will give information about individual connections.
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
5 votes

What are the rev00000.dat files?

They are files to assist reversing additions to the blockchain, handling reorganisations. They essentially contain the references needed to quickly reverse a block being accepted and it’s changes bein …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
5 votes

Bitcoin transaction broadcast

Bitcoins P2P network is a flooding design, new transactions and blocks are broadcast to every connected peer, and they broadcast to every one of their peers. Valid data reaches all participants very q …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
4 votes

How does bitcoind choose its data directory?

Unless explicitly told otherwise, the datadir is always placed in /home/$USER/.bitcoin, there is no logic for automatically using any location other than this. The configuration file is always in the …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k
3 votes

Trying to send Bitcoins from testnet to my regtest node

The regtest system is completely isolated from testnet and only exists on your local machine by default, you won't see the transaction from TPs faucet because it isn't on the same network. Blocks in y …
Claris's user avatar
  • 15.5k

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