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Questions tagged [altcoin-development]

Questions about alternative cryptocurrencies are off topic unless they are applicable to Bitcoin.

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13 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Dogecoin and Bitcoin at the network level?

With all the Dogecoin hype, mainstream media has been comparing Doge with established cryptos like Bitcoin. I'm trying to understand the difference at the technical level: It comes up that Bitcoin ...
John Smith's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

what file/method is block reward processed?

I have managed to build an altcoin (from litecoin source) but my coin requires that I make changes to the way rewards are made. I have been looking at the source code to try to find where block reward ...
Patrick W. McMahon's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Reset or backup from a blockchain possible? [closed]

i have a coin for my own interests. With this i will learn how works all. So i have install the daemon on a vps All works fine. Mining works. And the first 300 blocks i have created. Now i will ...
Mark's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Adding C library to Makefile

I am developing an altcoin using a new PoW algorithm which is written in C to test the algorithm. I get compilation errors related to compiling the C code when trying to compile. How can I properly ...
EndlessLoop's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

ERROR: AcceptBlock: high-hash, proof of work failed (code 16)

I followed this medium link to create a coin just like bitcoin . Based on this tutorial i update DEFAULT_MAX_TIP_AGE to int64_t ...
Novice Programmer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I simulate ProofOfStake (PoS) for a testnet (clone of Pivx)? [closed]

After the end of PoW blocks, I am unable to mine using PoS. Here is my setup. 1) Server with the following config file. server=1 daemon=1 listen=1 rpcuser=user rpcpassword=password 2) Two clients ...
Harish Kumar B P's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Premine coins from genesis block are gone after one transaction from account/wallet

Please check the whole question once before giving negative marking or Mark as duplicate of Why can’t the genesis block coinbase be spent? Why I cannot get transaction from genesis block [duplicate]...
user1140237's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Blockchain gets stucked if no blocks are mined

Yesterday I decided to fork a project, just for fun and to learn more about it. So, I forked a project, I generated my own genesis block, changed timestamps, nounce, keys, reset the min chain work. ...
bruno-alod's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unwanted peers connecting to Altcoin

I am building an altcoin using the litecoin source code. I have removed all of the Emplace Seed calls in chainparams.cpp for DNS seeding, changed my default node communication port to port 421 and ...
apt-getschwifty's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Need Help with Gitian-Builder - Missing Signer Error

I'm having a hard time finishing this project. I'm very frustrated and I really need your help. I'm trying to create the QT wallet for Windows & Linux. I have already cloned a masternode and I'...
Fray Contreras's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Altcoin: Send/receive transactions between nodes have high failure rate

I've noticed that an unusually high number of my attempted send transactions between my nodes (which is currently only 6 at most, but never less than 4) will not broadcast regardless of the amount of ...
apt-getschwifty's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Value of cryptocurrencies: Why does noone make Bitcoin2, 3, 4,...?

Cryptocurrency disciplee sometimes say that cryptocurrencies have just as much inherent value and potential as storage of value as fist currencies. One argument specific to the Bitcoin is that its ...
Bananach's user avatar
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0 answers

How can a miner know how many blocks mined by him? [closed]

I am working on an altcoin based on bitcoin-core, version 0.12.1 (this version including setgenerate). Is their an option for a miner to know (using bitcoin-cli) how many blocks mined by him (after ...
yoka791's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

hash dosent match nbits

Im trying to clone a coin and I created a genesis block but when I run the wallet, it dosent start.. When I go to the log file, I see this error and I honestly dont know how to solve the problem. How ...
Fray Contreras's user avatar
1 vote
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Altcoin - genesis block - TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

I'm trying to use the genesis script from innova to generate a genesis block of Xevan_hash I'm using these parameters: python genesis....
Marco's user avatar
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Failed to Build Bitcoin-Qt

The error relate to UPnP as show below. Please kindly help solve the issue. Thank you! C:\Coin>mingw32-make -f Makefile.Release c:\Qt\4.8.6\bin\rcc.exe -name bitcoin src\qt\bitcoin.qrc -o ...
August434's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

how to insert new checkpoints in a bitcoin clone

I know Checkpoints are old blocks hardcoded into the source: What are checkpoints? {11111, uint256S("0x0000000069e244f73d78e8fd29ba2fd2ed618bd6fa2ee92559f542fdb26e7c1d")}, {33333, uint256S("...
chico lima's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to create a simple lightweight wallet (without mining) for an Altcoin [closed]

I am trying to create a wallet using electrum for an altcoin that uses the Scrypt algorithm. I am looking around for tutorials that can show a step by step process on how to create a simple wallet for ...
Nixxed's user avatar
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cloning bitcoin MAX_MONEY not working [duplicate]

I have changed the amount of coins to be mined, to be 1000 but looks did not work, I have already 8000 coins mined, can someone explain why it is not working? main.h static const int64 MAX_MONEY = ...
raduken's user avatar
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cloning bitcoin how bitcoin find new nodes

I am studying blockchain, cpp and crypto so I cloned bitcoin and created a new altcoin. everything it is working fine as I expected, but i have some questions which i could not find a answer. the ...
raduken's user avatar
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Solo mining on created altcoin: not able to create block

I have forked the code of an altcoin to play with the param and understand the process Source here. Now I want to solo mine to create the blocks. The miner is on my PC and the server on a Ubuntu 16....
Boody's user avatar
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Fork Dash - New coin problems

Currently I am doing my final year project by forking the Dash code and generate a new coin from that. I had read lots of tutorial online and follow the steps as well. First, I had generate the ...
Matthew Chin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to set up a private chain/local testnet : reverse engineering the blockchain code

Long story short, I want to set up a private chain/a testnet blockchain that can run locally just to fiddle and play with it just to learn how it works. So I have a general understanding of how things ...
a1nb0's user avatar
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QT-Wallet not sync properly for altcoin

I tried to create altcoin using litecoin source code. I am able to generate genesis block for same. After setup on ubuntu VPS qt wallet connect to server and disconnect within seconds. Please help me ...
Akshay Wagh's user avatar
1 vote
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No .altcoin directory being generated

I am trying to create a genesis block for a personal play coin. I get the correct output of assertion failed. However when compiling I noticed the ./altcoin folder is not created at all.
Cryptojuice's user avatar
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1 answer

How to enable mining on daemon?

I forked bitocin and created a altcoin. Now I am running a node of it. There are currently 0 blocks because there are no miners. How can I enable mining on bitcoind? I tried adding gen=1 with config,...
linux932's user avatar
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2 answers

Determining the genesis transaction value or genesis_tx

Is there a way to determine the genesis transaction (genesis_tx) hash? I know the genesis block number but how do you determine genesis_tx? I am looking for this hash for an altcoin which was forked ...
Nixxed's user avatar
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Understanding the iquidus API settings

I am trying to understand what values I am being asked for in the settings.json to install the block explorer for Iquidus. I know how to get the genesis block as I have hard coded it when I did a fork ...
Nixxed's user avatar
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Iquidus JSON settings for Blockchain Explorer

I did a fork from litecoin into my own altcoin and I am trying to get it on a blockchain explorer to run realtime on a website. I chose an open source blockchain explorer called Iquidus which was ...
Nixxed's user avatar
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How to create a new genesis block using CreateGenesisBlock() function

I'm trying to create a new genesis block, you know for science. I saw a lot of write ups online but most of them seem kinda outdated. I found the function CreateGenesisBlock() in the source code. ...
soupdiver's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do new Cryptocurrencies prevent a 51% attack?

I've seen similar questions, but not specifically in reference to new altcoins. When a new cryptocurrency is released, the developer(s) have limited amounts of resources. What prevents a group from ...
K Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

Viewing total number of coins mined for an Altcoin

I am a newbie to crypt-currencies so for school, I forked a coin from litecoin to help me understand how it works and so far, I got it to work using a VPS with some other friends mining on it. I am ...
Nixxed's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Forking PIVX - ERROR: CheckBlockHeader() : proof of work failed [closed]

I have forked PIVX and generated new genesis block hash, merkle root and nonce, and changed the rewards parameters. It compiles fine and the daemon starts, I have even got 2 nodes connected, but ...
Shane Buckley's user avatar
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Build a wallet for Android and iOS for a self-made cryptocurrency

I've built a cryptocurrency of my own using this video guide. I did the first 4 steps out of 6, as the 5th level is about building a wallet for Windows platform. I have started creating this ...
Ido Naveh's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to mine your own Bitcoin fork?

I have my own Bitcoin fork. I have the src and I have the Linux, Mac and Windows clients. The Windows client is using Bitcoin Core for the wallet. How do I go about mining the fork I created? I have ...
AusFreak's user avatar
2 votes
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Why cant my Altcoin Regnet create first 100 blocks?

I have modified bitcoin source code for my altcoin. I have successfully created genesis block, merkel root, noonce and daemon is working well. I have tweaked number of coins per day, total coins etc.. ...
pbu's user avatar
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Adding new files to

I need some help with adding files to the code base by adding them to the autotools build system. Other posts that try to answer the same question haven't helped me. I am experimenting with Bitcoin's ...
Joe N's user avatar
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2 answers

How difficult is it to invent a new cryptocurrency? (In regards to time, money, technical knowledge, etc.)

Although I initially believed there were only a couple cryptocurrencies available on the market, after some research, I've discovered that there are well over a thousand different cryptocurrencies!......
Eric Solberg's user avatar
2 votes
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ERROR: ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at CBlockDiskPos(nFile=0, nPos=8)

For study and fun I try to create my own altcoin. I forked Litecoin, removed checkpoints, changed nTime, *pszTimestamp, noNce and hashed new hashes for genesis block in main net, testnet and ...
Andrea Pizzirani's user avatar
1 vote
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Remove Orphan blocks from "personal" blockchain

Alright, so I've been trying to learn a little more about the blockchain and blockchain-development lately. For every other altcoin, I've noticed that there's such a thing as a bootstrap.dat-file ...
dragonskater45's user avatar
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Altcoin based on Litecoin [closed]

I've compiled the Litecoin source using a custom genesis block to create a simple Altcoin for fun. I just have some questions about Bitcoin/Litecoin Qt. When I mine a block using the generate ...
Francis's user avatar
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Altcoin (Litecoin fork) creation. No synchronisation

i m trying to create an altcoin from the current Litecoin master branch on github. Its Litecoin in the version of 0.15.1. By editing some parameter in chainparams.cpp i m able to create my genesis ...
c.oin's user avatar
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Why is my transaction immature?

i created an altcoin with a premine for the first block. After generating the first block the transaction worked well. But on my wallet it says the that my new balance is "immature". What does that ...
Daniel Beller's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a cryptocurrency based on email address?

I would like to know if there is any existing cryptocurrency that lets you control the public and private keys generated. I just don't like the fact that cryptocurrency keys are randomly generated. ...
VCore's user avatar
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Question on Coin Trading and valuation

If I wanted to create a digital coin (asset) and wanted to keep the value of that coin steady (Think a dollar. It's worth a dollar today and a dollar tomorrow and a dollar every day.) What would be ...
Don Man's user avatar
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Are there any properties of cryptocurrency that can help prevent accumulation of wealth by a few individuals? [closed]

Over time there seems to be a trend towards consolidation of wealth to a small number of individuals in human society. Are there cryptocurrencies with any properties that could help prevent that ...
Highly Irregular's user avatar
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Altcoin creation from bitcoin ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at CBlockDiskPos

I am trying to create a altcoin using bitcoin source code. i have changed the pszTimestamp, port number, magic number. I have cleared the DNS seeds and removed checkpoints for now. Then I printed the ...
subodh1989's user avatar
1 vote
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How to create a new POS altcoin?

I am looking to download a POS (Proof Of Stake) files to create my new altcoin, but all the instructions I found online is for the POW (Proof Of Work) and without any instructions for the blockchain. ...
user3103193's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I generate addresses for all altcoins?

I want to develop my own exchange website having all the altcoins addresses. I am doing research from past few days and I came to know that I need a copy software client of all the altcoins, and then ...
user7775988's user avatar
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How do i create my own cryptocurrency? [closed]

There are any guidelines about how to create my own currency from Ripple?
Purvik Dhorajiya's user avatar