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4 votes

Bulletproof++ as generic ZKP à la SNARKs?

SNARKs To build a zkrollup, we want the ability to verify SNARKs on bitcoin. There are broadly three families of SNARKs in real world use today: those based on pairings and using a trusted setup (...
Liam Eagen's user avatar
3 votes

Zerocoin vs. Zerocash ? are they the same ? Or two different protocols?

Zerocoin is a proposed extension on Bitcoin to make Bitcoin more private. Zerocoin only hides the origin of a payment, the destination and amounts are still public. Zerocash is a further extension of ...
Ava Chow's user avatar
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3 votes

With MuSig2 can we now avoid any privacy leak of a Lightning channel's onchain UTXO?

Assuming MuSig(2) is implemented on the Lightning Network protocol a 2-of-2 multisignature spend will look like a single signature spend on the blockchain. Hence the Lightning channel footprint on the ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes

Verifying a zkSNARK on Bitcoin/Hope for a future with OP_MUL

I am trying to write a script that can verify a SNARK, but from what I understand OP_MUL is still is disabled in TapScript. It appears completely infeasible to me to implement a SNARK verifier in ...
Pieter Wuille's user avatar
1 vote

What is the technological achievement that is needed in order to get effective SNARKs into Bitcoin?

SNARK is a specific implementation of a zero knowledge proof. There are lots of different implementations that try to avoid this scaling trade-off and it is likely that the ultimate solution for such ...
Poseidon's user avatar
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1 vote

Can "Confidential Addresses" preserve user privacy?

A lot of these terms end up being confusing and a little non descriptive. In the "elements project" nomenclature a confidential address is an encoding of a P2PKH key which includes the necessary ...
Claris's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a decentralized zk-SNARK (zero-knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive ARgument of Knowledge)?

Here's Zcash's multi-party parameter calculation code, which... ... used a multi-party computation protocol with the property that the resulting parameters are secure unless all of the participants ...
MCCCS's user avatar
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1 vote

What consensus algorithm is MimbleWimble/Grin using? Does it use Zero Knowledge Proofs as well?

Understand that MimbleWimble/Grin is privacy centric. Does it use Zero Knowledge Proofs to achieve the privacy goals? Yes. Zero Knowledge Proofs (specifically, Range Proofs. Possibly Bulletproofs in ...
Tony Rizko's user avatar
1 vote

What are zkSNARK parameters and how to verify them?

It's basically a zero knowledge proof that is easy to verify. The parameters are given on the zcash site. you can check it here
tbolt's user avatar
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