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Unanswered Questions

145 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
1 answer

Generate addresses from Trezor's xPub using Python

I am trying to generate BIP32 HD addresses from my Trezors xPub key. I keep getting errors with most of the libs our there. What am I missing? pywallet: from pywallet import wallet xpub = '...
3 votes
0 answers

listdescriptors true fails after importing a 2-of-3 multisig descriptor (prv, pub, pub)

By deafult, in a newly created descriptor wallet that is not watch-only and not empty, listdescriptors true works and gives output. However, here is a scenario that breaks it: Get a new address in ...
3 votes
0 answers

Electrum Seed Purpose for MultiSig Wallet

I'm curious as to what exactly is protected by the seed that Electrum generates for a multisig wallet. My knowledge of the protocol implementation is rather basic, so please correct me where I'm wrong ...
2 votes
0 answers

Does BIP86 not use a unique prefix for extended keys?

Do BIP86 extended keys not use a unique prefix? For example: BIP44 = xprv/xpub BIP49 = yprv/ypub BIP84 = zprv/zpub BIP 86 = xprv/xpub? In other words, do BIP86 extended keys share the same ...
2 votes
0 answers

Safe to Carry a Card Containing my Seed Phrase and the Wallet in an International Flight?

As the question says. I have the seed phrase (collection of 24 words like theatre, soldier etc.) written on the card supplied by the manufacturer and the wallet itself. As I am relocating, it is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Preventing excessive rescans on startup

I upgraded my node at from bitcoin 25.0 to 28.0 the other day and got hit by a bunch of somewhat lengthy rescans that caused me about 30 minutes of downtime. I have close to 200 watch-only ...
2 votes
0 answers

Using BIP32 derivations, can all seeds theoretically produce all public keys?

I was interested in how many possible combinations of BIP 32 derivation paths exist, which could result in a public key derived from a seed. While some people colloquially call it "unlimited,&...
2 votes
0 answers

How to claim funds in a multisig address from a money pool psbt?

Mostly followed this guide on how to create a psbt where multiple users pool money together. Everything is done in regtest. The gist of what I did is as follows: Created 2 different descriptor ...
2 votes
1 answer

Invalid checksum when generating BIP-39 Mnemonic

I am trying to generate a mnemonic seed in Javascript, and while everything seems to be working, I am not getting a mnemonic with a correct checksum. Here is my implementation: export const ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to import a descriptor into a wallet?

I am trying to import a descriptor into a blank wallet but I get a JSON parsing error. $ cli createwallet "test" false true "" false true $ cli -rpcwallet=test importdescriptors '[{...
2 votes
0 answers

Importing BIP-84 keys to Bitcoin Core or similar?

I generated a mnemonic and keys using the BIP-84 scheme and sent funds to a public address from that scheme over time. I have been using this as a paper wallet, unattached to any wallet software. I ...
2 votes
0 answers

HD wallet usage in Bitcoin & Lightning combined wallets

Is there a best practice / recommendation for a Bitcoin & Lightning combined wallet, regarding the HD wallet used in the Bitcoin wallet and the HD wallet used in the Lightning wallet? no relation,...
2 votes
0 answers

Is BitCoin developer page's HD Wallet image wrong

Here is the image I copied from the What I understand is that M/0'/1' can derive M/0'/1'/0. M/0'/1' can't derive M/0'/1'/0'. To derive M/0'/1'/0,...
2 votes
0 answers

Recovering 2 of 2 multisig HD Wallet with bip38 encrypted private key

I have been trying to figure out if it is possible to restore my wallet with the current information I have. The wallet is a 2 of 2 multisignature HD wallet The first key is Bip38 and requires a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Reusing bitcoin hw wallet infrastructure as a PGP replacement?

A lot of people who own Bitcoin are already know how to securely generate, store and use their BIP32 + BIP39 wallets, and own hardware wallets. Are there any existing projects/standards trying to bolt ...

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